My Psychic Kids Heard my Thoughts Telepathically

My Psychic Kids Heard my Thoughts Telepathically February 16, 2023
Back in 2011, when my kids were 8 and 6, we shared an amazing psychic moment where they telepathically heard my thoughts. This used to happen all the time, especially with my daughter, whose moon is native in Pisces. What made this event special was that both of my children heard me think the same thing, at the same time. Witchlings much? Even more astonishing was that they didn’t even argue over the household chore they “heard” me assign to them (which is the true miracle of this tale!) Here is our story:
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My psychic kids heard my thoughts…

That afternoon of February 16, 2011, as we pulled into the driveway after picking them up from school, I mischievously thought to myself that I should tell my kids it was “roll the trash bins to the street” day (even though it wasn’t) just to hear them groan about their least-loved household chore. Then I could say “psych! I’m just kidding!” I guess I was feeling extra spicy that day. For interest, the moon was in Leo that day.
Anyway, I pull into the garage and change my mind, saying nothing; that would just be just pointless teasing, right?
We all get out of the van and I start to head up the stairs, but my 6 year old son sets down his backpack, walks straight over to the trash bins and starts to haul one to the curb. At the same time, my 8 year old daughter runs over, calling dibs on which bin she wants to roll out there herself. (Apparently the recycling bin duty is some sort of privilege.) They bicker about who gets to pull which bin, with nary a word of protest with me about the chore itself.
I’m gobsmacked…
I stop them and ask my son why he was taking the trash bin to the street. “Because you told me to,” he sassily replies.
I ask my daughter what she heard me say. “You said it was the day to take the bins out!”
I ask them again, “You both heard me say that?” They look at me like I’ve lost my mind. Yes, they both agreed that I told them to do this chore.
I’m here to tell you all that I did not open my mouth, yet I swear they heard my thoughts telepathically. This happened all the time with one or the other of them, but this was the first time that both kids heard me think the the same thing so clearly, at the same time. The kids didn’t even question that they’d physically heard me speak.
Is it considered “telephathic” if I’m the one originating a strong thought that I’d *like* to say out loud, but choose not to utter?  This sort of “thought-sharing” also occurred with other adults I was close to, from time to time. The most notable time being a passionate moment with a lover when I was mentally screaming “I love you” but I chickened out from actually saying it. They pulled away from my embrace, startled, and said “Did you just say you love me, or did I imagine that?” Let’s just say that freaked me out a bit. They never showed any other kind of psychic ability, so were they the telepathic one, or was it my psychic-ability which broadcasted the thought? Do we call that phenomenon something in particular? I guess this solar Pisces witch just thinks really loudly.
Has anything like this every happened to you? I’d love to hear your story in the comments.
About Heron Michelle
Heron Michelle (Greenville, NC) is a mom, shopkeeper, modern witch, and priestess. Heron is the owner of The Sojourner Whole Earth Provisions, a metaphysical shop in Uptown Greenville. She is the author of "Elemental Witchcraft: A Guide to Living a Magickal Life Through the Elements" released by Llewellyn in 2021, and offers on-line training. for more information. You can read more about the author here.
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