How much do you know about the Old Testament? Take this quiz and find out. You may also want to check out my previous Bible quiz.
Today’s quiz – like the earlier one — is divided into three parts with 10 multiple-choice questions in each section. The first section is fairly easy, but the questions become progressively harder as you proceed.
Play individually or break into teams if your group is large enough.
Earn 20 points for each correct answer in the first section, 30 points for each correct answer in section two and 50 points per correct answer in the last section. There are 2 bonus points at the end of the quiz that are worth 100 points each.
There is no prize from me, but you can always invite a few friends to play, select someone to read the questions and reveal the answers, and offer a small prize at the end.
You will find the answers at the end of this quiz.
Does the Old Testament still matter? Patheos contributors Kelley Mathews and Dr. Carmen Imes think it does. See what they say in Mathews’ interview with Dr. Imes — “What Do We Do with the Old Testament?” — on Patheos. Dr. Imes is an associate professor of Old Testament studies at Biola University in southern California.
Now, let’s get started!
Round 1 (20 pts.)
1. This man is credited with writing the first 5 books of the Bible.
- David
- Moses
- Joshua
- Job
2. This creature tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
- A vulture
- A wildcat
- A serpent
- A scorpion
3. The strongest person in the Bible was this man.
- Jeremiah
- Samson
- Cain
- Noah
4. David, who killed Goliath in the Old Testament, used this weapon.
- Slingshot and a stone
- Spear
- Bow and arrow
- A stake through his heart
5. Cain killed his brother Abel for this reason.
- Cain did not kill Abel.
- Abel was Adam and Eve’s favorite son.
- Eve made Abel a coat of many colors.
- God was pleased with Abel’s sacrificial offering but not Cain’s.
6. Jacob had this number of sons.
- 7
- 3
- 12
- 15
7. The Israelites worshipped this pagan god while Moses was on the mountain talking to God.
- The Egyptian god Ra
- A golden calf
- A bronze statue honoring Abraham
- Moab’s sun god
8. This man built an ark based on God’s instructions.
- Enoch
- Joshua
- Moses
- Noah
9. One famous Old Testament story tells how Joseph saved the Egyptians from this disaster.
- The Nile’s worst flooding in history
- The 10 plagues
- A famine
- A severe drought
10. A biblical strongman gained his incredible strength from this source.
- Daily exercise
- By helping build the Great Pyramid
- His uncut hair
- No one knows
Round 2 (30 pts.)
1. God forced the Israelites to wander in the desert for this length of time.
- 12 months
- 40 years
- 80 years
- 400 years
2. God told this Old Testament patriarch that he would be the father of many nations.
- Jeremiah
- Abraham
- Joshua
- None of the above
3. This pharaoh freed the Israelites after God unleashed 10 plagues on his country.
- He isn’t named
- Amenhotep III
- Ramses II
- Thutmose II
4. Solomon honored God in this important way.
- He banned all Egyptian gods.
- He defeated the Amalekites.
- He led the Israelite army into the Promised Land.
- He built the temple.
5. The Old Testament was originally written in this language.
- Aramaic
- Greek
- Latin
- Hebrew
6. Miriam’s two brothers were these men.
- Uriah and David
- Moses and Aaron
- Cain and Abel
- David and Jonathan
7. Jacob gave his son Joseph this item, which angered Joseph’s brothers.
- A herd of sheep
- He didn’t give Joseph anything special
- A coat of many colors
- A new staff to help him tend his herd
8. The name Israel has this meaning.
- One who glorifies God
- God’s chosen
- Praise God
- One who struggles with God
9. After Solomon’s reign, Israel’s northern kingdom had this name.
- Edom
- Canaan
- Sheba
- Israel
10. This military power eventually defeated the southern kingdom.
- Assyria
- Babylon
- Rome
- Egypt
Round 3 (50 points
1. Jacob’s alternate name was this.
- Isaac
- Abram
- Laban
- Israel
2. God first appeared to Moses in this form.
- A cloud
- God sent an angel
- A burning bush
- A bird
3. God provided Israelites with this food in the desert.
- Manna from Heaven
- Cactus leaves from Heaven
- Camel meat
- Pieces of bread
4. Delilah betrayed this person to the Philistines.
- Samuel
- Paul
- Elijah
- None of the above
5. King David brought this holy item to Jerusalem.
- The 10 Commandments inscribed by God
- The Ark of the Covenant
- A golden menorah
- All are correct
6. The Israelites did this upon entering the Promised Land.
- Built a large altar
- Destroyed Jericho
- Started building the temple
- Attacked remnants of the Egyptian army, which had been following them
7. This woman was Isaac’s wife.
- Rebekah
- Sarah
- Elizabeth
- Mary
8. This judge led 300 men to victory against the Midianites.
- Joshua
- Gideon
- Deborah
- David
9. This woman helped Israelite spies in Jericho.
- Ruth
- Miriam
- Rahab
- Rachel
10. “El Shaddai” means this in English.
- God Almighty
- Our Father
- Great God
- Holy Spirit
Bonus Questions (100 points each)
1. This prophet had a vision about a “valley of dry bones.”
- Elijah
- Elisha
- Ezekiel
- Edom
2. This woman was a very wise judge.
- Sarai
- Ruth
- Leah
- Deborah
Round 1 (20 pts. for each correct answer)
- 2 (Moses)
- 3 (Serpent)
- 2 (Samson)
- 1 (Slingshot and a stone)
- 4 (God was pleased with Abel’s sacrificial offering but not Cain’s.)
- 3 (12)
- 2 (golden calf)
- 4 (Noah)
- 3 (famine)
- 3 (his uncut hair)
Round 2 (30 pts.)
- 2 (40 years)
- 2 (Abraham)
- 1 (he isn’t named)
- 4 (he built a temple)
- 4 (mainly Hebrew)
- 2 (Moses and Aaron)
- 3 (a coat of many colors)
- 4 (one who struggles with God)
- 4 (Israel)
- 2 (Babylon)
Round 3 (50 pts.)
- 4 (Israel)
- 3 (a burning bush)
- 1 (manna from Heaven)
- 4 (none of the above)
- 2 (Ark of the Covenant)
- 1 (Destroyed Jericho)
- 1 (Rebekah)
- 2 (Gideon)
- 3 (Rahab)
- 1 (God Almighty)
Bonus Questions (100 pts. each)
- 3 (Ezkiel)
- 4 (Deborah)
Thanks for playing! I hope you enjoyed the quiz and learned a few facts about the Old Testament.