Kathy Tuan-Maclean
Kathy Tuan-MacLean has been married for 21 years to Scott, an amazing husband but her polar opposite on the Myers-Briggs personality test and almost every other rubric of life. Nothing has come easily for them except fertility. Together they are raising 3 kids, all of whom are now officially teenagers—a terrifying development.Every time Kathy bore another child, she plunged into a deep identity crisis as she wrestled with being a better minister than mother. Not to mention that wardrobe of nursing shirts, slip-on clogs, and wash-and-wear hairdos.
Throughout the past 18 years of parenting, Kathy has worked part-time with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, currently serving as the Area Director for Boston Graduate/Faculty Ministries and staff minister for the Boston Faculty Fellowship. She’s also been working on a memoir for the past 10 years and would gratefully receive an agent or publisher someday.
Kathy has a Ph.D. From Northwestern in Human Development & Social Policy, writing a dissertation on interracial friendships, but finds the degree wasn’t particularly helpful in developing her three kids.
Grace is a often rebellious but well-intentioned daughter of God. She’s a learner, a leader & a lover of a very patient husband of 12 years. She’s a Mama of 2 little boys therefore working hard to memorize all of Thomas the Tank Engine’s vast friendship base. Grace likes to think she’s Joyce Meyer meets Halle Berry meets Anne Lammott…but she also knows she shouldn’t think more highly of herself than she ought. She is a writer, a speaker and a program coordinator for a Foundation serving high school students in NYC & Kalamazoo, MI. Grace is an essayist in the upcoming anthology, I Speak for Myself: 40 American Christian Women Under 40 addressing the topic of taboo. (Being published by White Cloud Press, 2013). Also, she’s working on her first book, Detroit’s Daughter, a memoir about surviving her father, her brother, abuse, racism, Christians, boys, and poverty, while growing up in inner-city Detroit. She loves social networking, photography, fashion & swiss cake rolls. She hates horcruxes and human trafficking. You can follow her adventures in trying to lead a purposeful, grace-filled, beautiful life on her blog, Gabbing With Grace, or on Twitter.