Survey #3: Because of What Catholic Fiction?

Survey #3: Because of What Catholic Fiction? October 28, 2009

A few weeks back I asked readers to cite poems that have inspired them. The results, summarized a few days later, sent me off in search of verse by Donne, Thompson, Yeats, and Auden. Next, I asked for hymns, and because my knowledge of music is even poorer than my knowledge of poetry, I let the comments at the bottom of this post serve for summary.

It’s time for Catholic fiction. Having explained why I found Kristin Lavransdatter moving and Brideshead Revisited seriously amusing, I am now on the hunt for inspiring fiction written by Catholics. Any Catholic fiction will do, as long as it inspires, as long as it makes a man or woman say, “Yeah, a Catholic wrote that, and I’m proud to say I’m a Catholic too.”

Meanwhile, I’m going to settle down with a library copy of In this House of Brede by Rumer Godden, because two of you recommended it today.

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