Thanks to Webster Bull and Godspeed!

Thanks to Webster Bull and Godspeed! October 19, 2010

It seems like a million years ago, but it was only back in February(!) when I wrote these words,

Like the officers I served under in the Marines, some of these priests are going to be exceptional. I have some advice for you. Prepare yourself now for the day they will be re-assigned to another post.

Well, that day has come, but it isn’t at my parish. It is right here, in this space. Webster Bull, the founder of the YIMCatholic blog, has officially passed the reins on to me and Allison. He reports that he is “too busy with other writing projects at this time to give YIMC the attention it deserves.” Those of you waiting upon his posts with baited breath may now exhale, and breathe easy.

What can I say to Webster except, thanks for starting this blog! And for his future endeavors I give him a hearty Godspeed and I wish you well! Will Webster never post here again? I honestly don’t know, and I truthfully hope he can stop in from time to time. I am certain of this though; I trust Our Lord knows what He is doing with Webster Bull.

Join me in wishing him well. Bon Voyage, mon frere, and thanks for staying until I didn’t need training wheels!

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