And So, Goodbye

And So, Goodbye May 31, 2011

I joined this blog more than a year ago at the kind invitation of its founder, Webster Bull, and his writing partner, Frank Weathers. These two guys are like brothers to me now, even though I never have met Frank in real life, Webster has never met Frank, and I hadn’t met Webster until after I started “working” with him. I have been blessed to have been able to share this space with two great men. And to meet my dear readers, some of whom have become in-real-life friends! Thank you for reading.

I’ve decided to spread my wings a bit and carve out my own corner of cyberspace.

My new blog is called Rambling Follower . I will, of course, continue to visit these pages, as well as Webster’s. And I hope you stop by my new home, too. I’m a sucker for a beautiful prayer, so I want to end with this one.

A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.
~Irish Blessing

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