Because This is My Church II

Because This is My Church II November 3, 2009

There are many things I love about my church, St. Mary Star of the Sea in Beverly, Massachusetts. This is one of them: the way the setting sun gleams on the red brick façade.

I apologize: My photographic skills are rudimentary, not to mention my camera (iPhone). But coming out of Adoration late this afternoon, I stopped to look at my church and this is a hint of what I saw.

Finished in 1908, this building replaced a wooden structure that had burned down after serving the parish for some 30 years. Now 101 years old herself, St. Mary stands at the center of our town, the true beating heart of the community. Facing west, toward Ward 3, home of the Italian Americans who helped build her and still worship here, St. Mary has been the spiritual home of generations of Catholics in Beverly.

And now it is mine.

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