Here’s a promo trailer for the upcoming “Women of Homecoming” DVDs from Gaither. Reader Josh VanKlomp has already noted the inclusion of new CCM singer Jamie Grace on the roster, but I’m also seeing other faces like Amy Grant and Kristyn Getty who are outside the realm of southern gospel. This wouldn’t be the first time a Homecoming has included a CCM singer (Avalon performed on a Billy Graham tribute, Natalie Grant has performed on one before, and I believe she is featured here again). However, I feel it’s especially odd to include Jamie Grace, since a) This particular video doesn’t have connections to some personality outside southern gospel, like Billy Graham, and b) Jamie has no connections to southern music and hasn’t even performed a song covered by southern gospel artists (like Kristyn Getty, whose voice introduced the world to “In Christ Alone”). Not only that, but the song she performs (“Hold Me”) has got to be one of the most pathetic offerings of Christian radio in recent years. I can’t for the life of me figure out what she’s doing here. She seems like a pretty girl with a nice voice, and I wish her all the best of luck, but this just isn’t the proper venue for her.