5 Rules for Christian Voters On Election Day

5 Rules for Christian Voters On Election Day November 2, 2018

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In anticipation of Election Day 2018, I am blowing the dust off an old article I wrote for Summit Ministries in the spring of 2016. Funnily enough, the “five rules” I came up with then still seem pretty applicable today (except at the time I called them “five principles,” but post-Jordan Peterson any article of this sort can’t not  be called “X Rules For…”) So without further ado, here are my five rules for voting.

1. Know where your identity lies.

If you are a Christian, your identity does not ultimately lie in your political affiliation, or even your citizenship. It ultimately lies in Christ. If we ground our identity in our political party, we become vulnerable to demagogues and mass manipulators who tickle our ears with what we want to hear. Our faith must inform our political engagement, not the other way around.

2. Do not be afraid to take a stand.

Some Christians mistakenly believe that there should be a sharp divide between the realm of the church and the realm of the state. If a pastor speaks his mind from the pulpit about a pressing moral issue that happens to have political ramifications, they believe he has crossed a line that should not be crossed. But this conflates taking a stand on a question of right versus wrong with making an official political endorsement. A pastor should certainly not turn his sermons into campaign advertisements, but he should not quarantine uncomfortable moral truths in a file labeled “politics” either.

3. Maintain clear priorities.

We are constantly told by other people where our voting priorities should lie. For Christians, some priorities will always be unpopular with the surrounding culture, particularly those that touch on life, death, or sexuality. Sadly, what should be non-negotiable for a Christian may become less so for the politicians in Washington who are supposed to represent our interests. As Christians, we should maintain an open mind on matters of comparatively minor importance, but on the essentials, we cannot allow our standards to be set for us. We must come to the polls with our own priorities firmly set in our minds, even if that leads us to leave parts of the ballot as blank as they were when we walked in.

4. Do not be swayed by peer pressure.

Peer pressure is powerful, and it is not limited to just one side of the political spectrum. Some will argue forcefully that we always owe our vote to whichever candidate carries our party banner. But at the end of the day, the way you cast your vote lies solely between you and God. Examine the candidates for yourself. Ask yourself whether they have integrity, whether they are trustworthy, whether they stand for what you stand for. Then make your choice.

5. Do not pin your soul to any man’s back.

Inevitably, there are leaders we look up to and trust now who will fail us badly in the future. It has happened in the past, and human nature shows no signs of changing. This is not to say that we must suddenly regard all those we admire with a jaded, cynical eye. But we would do well to heed the words of Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons: “I’ll not pin my soul to any man’s back, no, not the best man I know.” We must hold our political loyalties with an open hand, prepared to release them if and when it emerges that they were misplaced.

If there was ever a time for Christians to be passionately and prayerfully engaged in the political process, the time is now. A passive, isolationist church is the last thing our country needs. Our country needs Christian voters who are discerning and engaged, voters who understand both where they stand and how to make their voice heard. It also needs voters who understand that in the end, there can be only one leader and one savior of the world. If we look for that savior in Washington, we are looking in the wrong direction.


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