December 26, 2013

Happy St. Stephen’s Day, and Day 3 of our 12 Essential Tracks of Christmas! Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas without this next group. Today we are climbing into our Delorean and going back to the 1984 debut of (drum roll) Mannheim Steamroller! Although they gradually ran out of, er, steam and became essentially a parody of themselves, Mannheim Steamroller Christmas remains a classic. Truth be told, I could have put half of that album into the essentials kit, but I didn’t want the list to slant too heavily towards one artist. However, this group is still the only one who will be featured twice. They had several hot contenders, but their “Good King Wenceslas” is unquestionably a must. Cranking this at full blast in a loop while doing dorky dance moves around the CD player has become something of a tradition in my family. That’s just a sign of how timeless it is. Or maybe it’s just a sign of how weird my family is. Anyhoo, here is…

Mannheim Steamroller’s “Good King Wenceslas”

December 25, 2013

On this Christmas day, let the American Boys Choir’s original cut of this contemporary classic bring rest to your soul.

Michael W. Smith and Wayne Kirkpatrick’s “All is Well”
All is well, all is well
Angels and men rejoice
For tonight darkness fell
Into the dawn of love’s light
Sing A-le, sing A-le
Sing Alleluia

December 24, 2013

Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas! As my gift to you readers, I’m trying something a little different this year. Instead of taking Christmas off, I’m preparing a little series of twelve posts in a row (okay, maybe we’ll take a little Duck Dynasty break in the middle for next Monday’s funnies), but, essentially, twelve posts in a row. I’m calling it “The 12 Essential Tracks of Christmas.” To avoid confusion, let me explain what this series is not. It is not the twelve essential Christmas carols. Nor is it even the twelve essential Christmas songs. Nor is it a comprehensive Christmas collection.

Now for what it is: This series is intended to showcase twelve recordings that I believe no Christmas collection should be without. The main thing I looked for was that extra quality that separates a definitive recording from a good one. A lot of carols and other great songs are missing because I haven’t found what I consider to be a definitive performance. On the flip side, not every song is remarkable, but what the recording artist did with it is. Narrowing it down to just twelve was a tough task. Think of this as your “Christmas survival kit,” your can’t-leave-home-without-’em essential tracks. To be sure, a Christmas collection with these recordings alone is still woefully incomplete. But a Christmas collection without any of them is unthinkable. On day thirteen (or fourteen… whatever), I’ll round up some tracks that narrowly missed the bare minimum cut. That way we can begin to approach something like a complete collection.
Are you ready? Let’s kick it off! This is the twelve essential tracks of Christmas, day one. Read on to see what’s inside today’s gift bag… (more…)

December 1, 2014

Most people sing this carol during Christmastime, but technically it’s an Advent carol. For this reason, I am featuring it for the first week of Advent instead of waiting to add it to my “essential tracks of Christmas” (and yes, there are more of those on the way, as soon as I finish out this bone-crusher of a semester). There are many versions of this, but my absolute favorite is entirely instrumental. The artist is Casting Crowns, in an unexpectedly lovely turn from Melodee Devevo on the violin. Basically, forget everything you think you know about how Casting Crowns’ music sounds, and imagine something more like a set piece from Fiddler On the Roof. That’s a little closer. Enjoy this effective montage with The Nativity (not made by me, I would have fixed the aspect ratio first!)
December 30, 2013

We interrupt our “12 Essential Tracks of Christmas” series to bring you a special message… from Duck Dynasty.

In the wake of the Phil Robertson flap (as it were) over his blunt remarks on homosexuality to GQ Magazine, followed by A & E’s tantrum and suspension of the Duck Commander, followed by a national uproar, followed by a family statement to the effect that they are happy to take their show elsewhere (but before A & E’s recent, cowed decision to bring Robertson back)… I finally watched my first Duck Dynasty clips. Because I don’t have a television and never bothered to check out the show online, I hadn’t experienced the phenomenon of Duck Dynasty firsthand.
Until now. Herewith, a selection of my favorite Duck Dynasty clips (so far!) Note: One or two mildly coarse expressions. Note 2: I have more to say on l’affaire Duck Dynasty as a whole, but it’ll have to wait until after break. (more…)

November 22, 2018

Planes, Trains and Automobiles has been described as the quintessential Thanksgiving movie, even though the turkey barely gets five seconds of screentime.

Perhaps it owes its enduring appeal to the very fact that it flips the holiday movie formula on its head. Neal Page wants very much to be home with his family, yet he spends all but the last few minutes of the movie with a complete stranger. Glimpses of the homecoming feast are held out as a tease in his imagination, but the Norman Rockwell image of family gathering around it is left to ours. Like Neal, we, the viewers, are out of our element. Nonetheless, the lessons we learn with him are surprisingly profound.

In keeping with road movies in general and 80s road movies in particular, the story introduces us to an abrasive main character who gradually softens under the influence of a patience-testing but lovable companion. But in fairness to Neal, whose patience wouldn’t be tried by Del Griffith, the motor-mouthed shower curtain ring salesman who leaves his socks in the sink, makes ghastly snorting noises to clear his sinuses at night, and seems incapable of wrapping up his interminable stories with a point? Yet, in his quest to beat the weather and make it home, Neil finds himself repeatedly, humiliatingly dependent upon the kindness of this stranger.

Neal’s predicament is that of the man in The Brothers Karamazov, who reflects:

The more I love humanity in general the less I love man in particular. In my dreams, I often make plans for the service of humanity, and perhaps I might actually face crucifixion if it were suddenly necessary. Yet I am incapable of living in the same room with anyone for two days together. I know from experience. As soon as anyone is near me, his personality disturbs me and restricts my freedom. In twenty-four hours I begin to hate the best of men: one because he’s too long over his dinner, another because he has a cold and keeps on blowing his nose. I become hostile to people the moment they come close to me. But it has always happened that the more I hate men individually the more I love humanity.

We all hope we wouldn’t lash out at Del as cruelly as Neal does in that famous early scene. But for me, Neal’s seething resentment still strikes uncomfortably close to home, as did Dostoevsky’s words when I first read them. Polite society teaches us to dread the curse of being Del Griffith, when we should dread much more the curse of being Neal Page.

But if the truth were told, how many of us have been both Del Griffith and Neal Page at different times? This is the beauty of their story. We look in the mirror and cringe at what we see, but we learn to love the reflection anyway.

Thankfully, like the rest of us, Neal is not beyond redemption. Midway through, he and Del take separate seats on a train, thinking they’ve seen the last of each other. But of course, it breaks down on the tracks, leaving its passengers to strike out for new transportation. When Neal notices Del dragging his inexplicably large trunk across the frozen ground, he walks over and takes up the other end, recoupling his fate to Del’s once more. In his heart, he knows it’s the right thing to do, the human thing to do.

In the end, after many more misadventures, Neal finally bids farewell to Del and boards his last train home. Here, he could choose to rest content, a new friend made, a lesson learned.

But, as we know, he can’t. Something doesn’t add up. Del said he had a wife who “likes me,” but this doesn’t square with his stray comment that he “hasn’t been home in years,” hastily explained as an exaggeration of a traveling salesman’s lifestyle. Then there was the look on Del’s face when Neal toasted him over a round of drinks in a sleazy motel room by saying, “Well, at the very least, you have a beautiful wife to go home to.”

Revelation dawns. Neal bolts out of the train at the next stop to go back and find Del, sitting at the station with nowhere to go. There he finally gets the truth: Del’s wife has been dead for years, and she seems to have been all the family he’s got. He has no friends and no plans. He got Neal to Chicago purely for Neal’s sake, and because having a jerk to talk to for a couple days was better than having nobody to talk to at all.

Cynics will say the final scene where Neal welcomes Del into his own home for Thanksgiving is a pointless token gesture that will leave no lasting impact on Del’s life. But this certainly does not seem to be how John Hughes intended it. While John Candy’s last look beautifully conveys both gratitude and a lingering, bittersweet sadness, we are not meant to take away that the misadventures of Neal and Del have all been for nothing. Del may not have found a permanent adoptive family, but he’s found a friend.

It’s not hard to find Del Griffith, if you allow yourself to see him. It might be harder to extend grace to him. Planes, Trains & Automobiles encourages us to try in spite of ourselves. And it reminds us that even as we extend grace, we just might be the ones who need it most.

This article originally appeared at The Stream.

July 26, 2018

A clip of Elevation mega-pastor Steven Furtick on faith and doubt has generated much discussion recently. My friend and Patheos colleague Owen Strachan wrote a strongly worded response piece to this clip here, which has since been picked up by the Christian Post. The question of the day: Is doubt a sin? For Furtick, the answer is a resounding “No,” for Strachan a resounding “Yes.” While I find much to agree with in Strachan’s response, I believe there is room for a third way.

L: Furtick, R: Strachan

I’ll confess, when I first girded my loins to watch the Furtick clip, I was expecting something a bit worse than what I got. To say Furtick is not my style would be an understatement. (The whole “white guy in skinny pants pretending to be a black pastor” thing… should we tell him?) He first censures a pastoral colleague for encouraging people to pray without doubt, which strikes Strachan as pretty high-handed. I see Strachan’s point here, but I also understand Furtick’s desire to discourage the setting of what may seem an impossibly high bar for people who are literally praying their first prayer. And for his part, Strachan begins by stressing that he doesn’t mean to deny the experience of doubt that even Christians will inevitably feel this side of the Jordan. As imperfect, fallen creatures who still see through a glass darkly, we can expect to have many occasions to pray, “I believe, Lord. Help my unbelief!”

There then follows a stretch of the clip where, shockingly, things aren’t completely terrible. One line, “Faith is not the absence of doubt; it is the means to overcome it” actually struck me as rather nicely put. For a moment, it seems that doubt is given its proper place.

Unfortunately, the center doesn’t hold. By the time Furtick is holding up his Bible and declaring, “If you don’t doubt it, you’re not reading it or you’re reading it with no intent to live it. See my doubt is the evidence of my growth. The closer I get, the more questions I have,” this train has well and truly gone off the tracks. And here is where Strachan and I agree: This is neither healthy nor biblical.

Here I am reminded of a Twitter exchange I once had with Christian musician Audrey Assad, who has recently varied her musical output with attempts to do theology and politics on social media—a dicey enterprise, to say the least. I bear Audrey no ill will and still happily recommend her music, but I can’t say the same for her theological musings. In one thread, she said that one of her big recent revelations was the realization that uncertainty was acceptable. I chose to engage and ask what she meant by “certain.” (As a philosophy nerd, I think “Descartes” when I hear “certain,” so it is always helpful to calibrate such things.) She defined it as “a feeling of assurance about the truth of an idea—with no need to further examine it.” I agreed with her that there are things on which the Bible can be less than perfectly clear and that questions are not problematic in and of themselves, but still, I asked, was there nothing of which she felt she, as a Christian, could be assured? She answered, “Maybe it’s just a phase, but right now I don’t feel sure of much at all. However I’ve chosen not to look at it as a bad thing, but to practice faith and be curious.”

It is precisely this distinctly millennial phenomenon against which Strachan is rightly sounding the alarm. Whatever doubt is, it is certainly not a thing to be embraced or baptized as a sign of spiritual maturity. I chose not to press Audrey for more specifics, but if I’m to take her at her word, a phrase like “I don’t feel sure of much at all” would seem to put essentially everything up for grabs.

Where I begin to part ways with Strachan, however, is where he says that doubt is not merely a weakness, but a sin. It is not merely a manifestation of our imperfect, less-than-omniscient human nature. It is an act of rebellion against God, to be repented of as soon as committed.

To me, this has a similar flavor to sermons that condemn worry as a sin. I feel about worry as I feel about doubt: While both can become unhealthy obsessions, the mere feeling of worry or feeling of doubt is not necessarily a thing one chooses. Often, it’s a thing that simply is. It finds us whether we seek it out or not. One might say it is an affliction. But one can be afflicted and sin not.

Here I think the Lutheran concept of tentatio is helpful. As distinct from oratio (prayer) and meditatio (meditation), tentatio is the process of wrestling painfully with life and Scripture. However, it is a process God can use to refine our hearts as we return to His Word and choose to place our trust in it regardless. Again, to give Furtick his due, he reaches for something like this concept when he talks about trusting God through valleys and walking through to the promise on the other side. (Although to people familiar with Furtick’s Word Faith, prosperity-tinged brand of preaching, the language of “promise” should raise antennae. But that’s a different discussion.) The grain of truth here is that suffering does have a refining effect, a character-building effect. We can tell the people who have wrestled with God by the fact that they walk with a limp.

Still, there’s something off-puttingly exhibitionist about the way Furtick builds and crescendoes into an almost triumphant declaration of doubt. “I HAVE MY DOUBTS!” he thunders. “IS THAT ALL RIGHT? DO YOU NEED TO FIND ANOTHER PASTOR, BECAUSE YOU’VE DISCOVERED THAT THE DUDE WITH THE MIKE HAS DOUBTS?” No, just a pair of ear muffs, thanks.

Here’s the problem: Furtick either can’t or won’t recognize that for some people, doubt is an idol. Too many people, instead of maturely searching Scripture and seeking God in prayer through their doubt, will use it as an excuse to wallow and manipulate those around them. (Some of you have known that person who spams your inbox with questions and announces that unless you answer them right now, he’s going to walk away from the faith, and it will be your fault, he’ll have you know.) They will allow themselves to become those double-minded men James writes about, who are buffeted about by every wind and positively welcome it. Because the longer they can prolong the state of being in self-centered doubt, the longer they can escape putting in the hard work of investing in faith-strengthening relationship, with God and with neighbor.

That sort of behavior, that nursing of doubt, that idolatrous clinging to doubt, I will fully grant Owen, is a sin. But the mere experience of doubt? I must respectfully differ. And in fact, I would caution those who read certain verses to be condemning doubt not to fall into the trap of the very prosperity preachers they rightly reject. We are familiar with the false and damaging teaching that Christians who suffer are only suffering because they haven’t prayed hard enough, or prayed with enough conviction that God will remove the suffering. We call out preachers who say God will rain blessings on us if we only believe. And it’s not that such preachers don’t have their proof-texts they can wave about. You can find individual verses where Jesus or a gospel author seems to make a prosperity promise, provided you ignore the surrounding Scriptures that flatly contradict the prosperity message. I worry that by plucking out and applying certain Scripture verses to say that those who doubt must be in sin, Strachan falls into the same trap.

Then there are those verses that are commonly interpreted in an over-rigid way, such as Jesus’ words to Doubting Thomas. Strachan reads them as a straight-forward, purely negative “rebuke.” In fact, the story of Doubting Thomas has always been a favorite of mine precisely because Jesus does not refuse Thomas’s request for evidence. Indeed, he welcomes it, and more than meets it. Yes, there is also gentle correction in his words, particularly since Thomas had persisted in doubting the good faith testimony of honest witnesses. But to glean from this story that doubt is sinful would be quite a stretch.

Towards the end of his piece, Strachan affirms a binary “light-switch” model of faith (one minute you don’t have it, the next minute you do, by divine fiat), and says any other model will necessarily lead to error, including the error he sees in the Furtick video. I do not share Strachan’s Reformed brand of soteriology, but I pride myself on having a quite well-tuned heresy spidey sense. Reformed voices have been some of the only voices holding the line on sound doctrine in Protestant Christian media spaces for a long time, and for that I am grateful. I am particularly grateful for the fine work Owen has been doing in his space. However, I would like to see if a broader discussion could be opened up, one that includes conservative, Protestant Arminian voices like my own. We may disagree on some things, but I hope and think we can also agree on much that is essential and right and true.

I close with a song that, to me, perfectly encapsulates that tentatio I referred to earlier. Beloved Christian musician Rich Mullins was no stranger to dark nights of the soul, and indeed quietly battled clinical depression throughout the duration of his short life. His song “Hard to Get” was written after a particularly painful bout of wrestling, where he regaled his long-suffering friend Ben Pearson with a rant that made Pearson check the sky for lightning. The next morning found a chagrined Mullins knocking on Pearson’s door way too early to say, “I’m sorry. I wrote a song. You want to hear it?”

And so you’ve been here, all along
I guess

It’s just that You and Your ways
Are just plain hard to get

August 22, 2014

Here is the first of my used bookstore finds: America’s Favorite Movies: Behind the Scenes, by film historian Rudy Behlmer. Published in 1982, this now out-of-print work is a treasure trove of primary source material for some of the most enduring classics of Hollywood’s golden age. It covers some that I either don’t know or don’t care for, but it also includes many personal favorites such as The Adventures of Robin HoodStagecoachCasablancaThe African QueenSingin’ in the Rain, and High Noon. These are movies whose staying power derives largely from the fact that you don’t have to be a stuffy film critic to appreciate them. No directorial narcissism or abstract mucking about, just good stories well told, made by people committed to getting it right, sometimes at enormous personal cost. The book also sets their production in rich historical context, explaining how they were affected by the Depression, WWII and the Cold War. Herewith, a few quotes and notes that I found to be of particular interest (with trailer links in the titles).

March 6, 2014

Harry Connick Jr., Wiki commons

I was initially inspired to explore the topic of Christians in entertainment by Harry Connick, Jr. So of course, Part I was about somebody else. But now I’m back with Part II, and this one is all about Harry. Whether or not you’re a fan, I hope you’ll enjoy this post, because it explores important questions about what changes and what stays the same when someone who’s serious about his faith becomes a mega-star in mainstream entertainment. (Preemptive side note: Catholicism vs. Protestantism is relevant to this post, but please don’t turn the thread into a discussion of whether Catholics are Christians at all. Thanks!)
There are those who can perform. There are those who can write. There are those who can play. Then there are those who can do all three with aplomb. Yes, boys and girls, before there was Michael Buble, there was Harry Connick, Jr. And yes, I died a little just putting Michael Buble in the same sentence with Harry Connick, Jr. (more…)

May 4, 2013

Love Has Come For You album coverIn past editions of “Recently Added,” I’ve featured artists, genres, or themes. Today, I’m sharing a whole album! Consider this a CD review in addition to a “recently added” installment.

Up until fairly recently, I knew Steve Martin only as a great comedian. But when I discovered the music of Paul Simon, I discovered that not only was Steve Martin a friend of Paul’s, he was actually a highly regarded musician in his own right. His instrument of choice? The banjo. Who under 50 would have guessed?
When I saw that Steve was writing and recording a new project with Paul’s wife, singer/songwriter Edie Brickell, I was very interested. After it came out, I immediately found that the record company had posted the whole thing on Youtube the other day.
It’s very rare for me to sit in one place and listen to an entire album all the way through. But for this one, I did. (more…)

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