Herman Cain Visited the Jesus Theme Park

Herman Cain Visited the Jesus Theme Park November 21, 2011



This has the feel of an article from The Onion, but it is not.  Herman Cain made a campaign stop at “The Holy Land Experience”-  the Jesus themed park in Florida.  The article is full of wonderful tidbits, but this excerpt is probably the most presidential:


He (Cain) did have a slight worry at one point during the chemotherapy process when he discovered that one of the surgeon’s name was “Dr. Abdallah.”

“I said to his physician assistant, I said, ‘That sounds foreign–not that I had anything against foreign doctors–but it sounded too foreign,” Cain tells the audience. “She said, ‘He’s from Lebanon.’ Oh, Lebanon! My mind immediately started thinking, wait a minute, maybe his religious persuasion is different than mine! She could see the look on my face and she said, ‘Don’t worry, Mr. Cain, he’s a Christian from Lebanon.'”

“Hallelujah!” Cain says. “Thank God!”


To read the entire article, click here.

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