God Hearts Metallica?

God Hearts Metallica? August 20, 2010

Interesting story over at CNN about a Canadian pastor who is coming out with a new book, “The Day Metallica Came to Church.”  (Spoiler Alert- Metallica didn’t actually come to his church.)

If you make it down to the end of the article, the guy seems a little obsessive with object lessons- however, there’s something I love about his message.  In my ministry this summer, I have been trying to get my teenagers to look for God in unexpected places- to see Him in unexpected situations and even unexpected people.  This seems to be what Pastor Van Slotan is all about.

I thought that the following quotes from the article were particularly thought provoking, and I’d love to get some feedback:

“There was a surprising inability to see what we’re doing,” among Christians, Van Sloten said of his book and of his church’s methods. ” To many, God only speaks through the Bible, and they continue to use cultural context only as an illustration.”

“We want to move from illustration to revelation,” he said. “The biggest block for people is, ‘If God is speaking in the world, how authoritative can it be? Certainly not the same as the Bible.’ We say, ‘If God is speaking, that’s authority, period.’

Your thoughts?

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