June 1, 2016

(Credit: JSTOR Daily) I have stage 2x Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The x means the cancerous tumor in my body is considered “bulky.” Per my doctor’s prescribed course of treatment, I will undergo 4-6 months of chemotherapy, followed by a month of radiation. If all goes to plan, at the end of my treatment I will walk away from all of this cancer free and go on to live an otherwise normal life. It’s nothing short of a miracle because, you see,... Read more

May 18, 2016

(Credit: Allan Foster, Flickr Creative Commons) You know, if I had known just how terrible chemotherapy would be, I never would have gotten cancer in in the first place. (It’s ok to laugh. That was a joke.) But the amount of love and support, encouragement and prayers from friends and loved ones, long lost acquaintances and complete strangers has made life more than bearable. It’s made life worth living, worth fighting for. I am grateful beyond words for the myriad of ways kindness... Read more

May 2, 2016

(Credit: Nick Harris, Flickr) It started with a jar of pickles. Claussen, of course. None of that inferior pickle garbage that unnecessarily clogs up grocery store shelves. I’m looking at you, Vlassic. Shudder. And they were dill, obviously. Bread and butter pickles are just a waste of cucumbers. The first time it happened I didn’t think anything of it. Like any other normal human being, strong flavors occasionally catch me off guard and make me cough. Sure, a jar full of pickle... Read more

April 22, 2016

(Credit: Wikipedia) There are many, many reasons to criticize social media. But one good thing it does offer the world is the space to collectively mourn. It’s an opportunity that simply wouldn’t be possible without platforms like Facebook and Twitter, at least not to the scale we experience online. It’s fascinating, at least to me, to see how platforms that so often cause such division are all of sudden able to bring unity among friends and strangers alike as we come... Read more

April 19, 2016

(Credit: Morgan Guyton) I’m really honored to have my friend Morgan Guyton guest posting today about his new book How Jesus Saves The World From Us. This is a book that’s right up my alley and if you enjoy reading any of the stuff I write here, I think you’re gonna love IT too. But don’t just take my word for it. Check out what Morgan has to say below about How Jesus Saves The World From Us (it’s like a... Read more

April 8, 2016

(Credit: Ark Encounter, Facebook) I can’t remember the last time I wrote anything about Ken Ham. I remember live tweeting his “debate” with Bill Nye, but other than that I can’t think of the last time I gave much thought to Ken Ham and his fundamentalist wonderland in Kentucky. That said, I do remember the last time Ken Ham wrote something about me. A few years ago, I wrote an anti-inerrancy post entitled “The Bible Isn’t Perfect And It Says So Itself.”... Read more

April 6, 2016

(Credit: American Life League, Flickr Creative Commons) The Bible is filled with euphemisms. My favorite one growing up was “feet.” No doubt this was because I was a 12 year old boy and considered any sort of genital related talk to be comedy gold. If you’re confused, allow me to apologize and explain. Not always, but sometimes like in Isaiah 6 when the seraphim use two of their wings to cover their feet, “feet” is used a biblical euphemism for genitals. Obviously, the... Read more

April 1, 2016

(Source: World Religion News) Last year, by what I can only assume was an act of divine intervention (since getting out to the movie theaters is a near impossibility for me), I turned on Netflix and discovered the modern day classic, God’s Not Dead was available to stream. My soul rejoiced at the opportunity to see those evil atheists cinematically and definitively put in their place from the comfort of my own couch. Sure, it was a film based on a Facebook meme that... Read more

March 30, 2016

(Screengrab: Centerpoint Church) The Church has an awkward relationship with money. Ever since Jesus declared “You cannot serve God and money,” and called on his prospective followers to “Sell everything you have and give it to the poor,” we’ve struggled to reconcile our love for financial security with the life of Jesus we claim to emulate. At its best, the Church has used the financial resources at her disposal to clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and care for the sick. At... Read more

March 26, 2016

I’ve gotta be honest. I thought Donald Trump had this one in the bag. But it turns out the man with the golden mane was no match up for faux outrage. Seriously. Check out the results below. The only other matchup with a blowout this big was Ted Cruz getting destroyed but the Gay Liberal Agenda Trying To Destroy America in the second round. We can only hope and pray that Donald Trump is on the losing end of another... Read more

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