Dogs At Work Remove Stress

Dogs At Work Remove Stress September 24, 2012

I’m blaming it on stress. Our family took in a 9-week old yellow Labrador Retriever this week, and I’m attributing our decision to a study conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). A research team from VCU found that a great way to handle daily anxiety is by taking your dog to work with you. Less stress & more cuteness…who in their pet-loving-right-mind wouldn’t want that?

VCU examined a manufacturing company that allowed their employees to bring their dogs to work. Not all the employees took the company up on the offer—some drove to work each day sans canine. The researchers compared those who brought their pets to work with those who didn’t, and they found that stress levels declined throughout the week for the employees who had their pooches by their sides.

Incidentally, the study also found that dogs experience less stress when they’re at work with their owners than when they’re at home guarding their water bowl from possible intruders.

This is all good. So we got a puppy. And as soon as Hazel and I can figure out the not-peeing-on-the-carpet thing, she’s going to work with me. Because neither of us like stress.

(This entire post was shamelessly thrown together simply to post these pictures of my stinking cute dog!)

Q 4 U: Do you take your pet to work? If so, tell us about it.


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