Introducing Faithfindings

Introducing Faithfindings December 13, 2015

Untitled design

During 2015, I didn’t do very much blogging here at Patheos. 

In fact, I quit for a little while, and then came back with an attempt at a new direction that just didn’t take.

It was a bit of a disorienting year, and the last couple months were especially disorienting. But disorientation can be good. Because it is often precisely the thing that clears out old perspectives to make way for fresh vision. 

And that fresh vision is coming, slow and steady. In fact, it has taken the form of a long-desired book contract with Zondervan for my current work-in-progress After the Apocalypse (2017) – as well as a second book after that! And, it has taken the form of a clearer, stronger direction for my writing at, and here at Patheos.

Hence, the new title and theme for my blogging here. Introducing Faithfindings: Field Notes From the Frontier of Jesus-Centered Faith. 

What’s this new direction all about, you ask? It’s pretty simple: I want to focus my writing and curating here on Jesus-centered themes, bringing a theological and cultural perspective that places an interpretive priority on the Jesus of the Gospels. I believe keeping Jesus central sheds enormous light on the biblical, theological, political, and cultural conversations of the day, offering a way beyond the culture war Christianity of the right and the deconstructive skepticism of the left.

And that’s something – or Someone – we desperately need right now.

I’ll leave you with this description from the new About Page:

This blog, Faithfindings, is a place for “field notes from the frontier of Jesus-centered faith.” If you’re wondering what I mean by Jesus-centered, check out this recent essay. And these three signposts will help to guide my writing and curating here:

Signpost 1: Cultural – looking at pressing and powerful cultural events, issues, and trends through a Jesus-centered lens.

Signpost 2: Theological – diving deeper into the theological dimension of Jesus-centered faith, drawing out implications for life and practice.

Signpost 3: Spiritual – seeking out the active, creative, and innovative work of the Jesus-centered Spirit in the world and in the church.

Posts will appear in the categories of Findings, Essays, Reviews, and New Charismatics. Findings are shorter excerpts from and commentaries on posts and articles found on the web. Essays are longer articles written by me and other guest writers. Reviews are typically book reviews, excerpts, or author interviews, but sometimes also cover TV, movies, etc. New Charismatics is a space for articles and posts fleshing out this new wave of charismatic thought in the American church.

Thank you for joining me in this new season of writing here – I look forward to your contributions to the conversation! 

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