PregMANcy: About the Book & Author

Now Featured in the Patheos Book Club
PregMANcy: A Dad, a Little Dude, and a Due Date
By Christian Piatt

About the Book

We all have heard time and time again of the changes a woman goes through when she is pregnant. But what about the man? Doesn't his life change too?
PregMANcy is an honest and humorous memoir looking at the changes author Christian Piatt experiences with his wife and son when they learn they're expecting their second child—an unplanned pregnancy.

Containing stories and unscripted (and surprising) quotes from his young son as they await the birth of his baby sister, PregMANcy will take you on the wild ride of parenthood and show that it is not always easier the second time around.

About the Author

Christian Piatt is told he's doing an outstanding job as the father of Mattias and Zoe and husband of Amy, and he tends to take these folks at their word. He spends his days wondering how he got so lucky and then writing about that luck for Sojourners, the Huffington Post, Patheos, and other blogs. He also has several books to his credit, including Chalice Press's "Banned Questions" series on society and contemporary Christianity—the real Christianity, not followers of Christian Piatt.

Piatt is a regular contributor to:

Huffington Post
Red Letter Christians
Opposing Views
Burnside Writers Collective

Author Blog:

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5/16/2012 4:00:00 AM
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