We attempt to understand someone who Identifies as 'pro-life' and spends their Saturdays door knocking in 'key electorates' for the Australian Christian Lobby... However no one want's to talk? In this episode we get asked to leave a 'pro-life' meet up, and our quest to understand a politically active Christian is denied. Are they afraid of the metaphorical 'mirror' that asking questions holds up to their face? or are members of the Australian Christian Lobby truly the abused and oppressed minority victimised for standing by their moral compass in a quickly morally devolving world? With no one willing to speak with us and answer our questions, sadly all we have are assumptions made from being locked on the outside. We are hoping to correct our assumptions soon by opening a conversation in person, to anyone willing to step beyond their "tribe", and categories and meet the good heart of humanity we believe everyone holds. Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ideasdigest/message