Konrad catches up with longtime friend of the show Peter Rollins in his home town of Belfast Northern Ireland after Pete's yearly event called 'Wake'. - The God you REALLY believe in - Christians don't take the death of God seriously - Religion of instagram - How to be happy - What is 'sin' - What is 'grace' - The problem with Hillsong - Why we are all religion - What Christians really believe - What is Pyro Theology Connect with Peter https://peterrollins.com Support the show get access to bonus content https://ideasdigest.supercast.com/ Connect with us Tune in to our live podcast recordings on instagram https://www.instagram.com/ideasdigest/ https://twitter.com/ideas_digest Email: [email protected] Music: Lawson Hull https://www.instagram.com/lawsonhull/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/218354K2Ph7ewCzbVvGe0K Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ideasdigest/message