
The Spiritual Brewpub

What People of Faith Need to Know About Israel & Gaza EPISODE 46

Kathy Shihadah, a Christian and ex-evangelical, is married to a Gazan Muslim who has family in Gaza. She joins Michael to share her very personal and gripping story about her spiritual journey, a multi-faith marriage, and insights on the plight of Palestinians. Kathy and Michael share empathy for all who are suffering in the Israel-Hamas War, both Israelis and Palestinians. People of good will denounce the attacks by Hamas and the taking of hostages. Yet Kathy's and her Muslim husband's family's perspective brings critical context to the wider conflict and helps explain the drive behind Hamas, the Palestinian struggle, and their legitimate grievances. Learn a new paradigm that can help us discover a workable way of peace through restorative justice rather than Israel's choice of retribution and war. Learn the case for Israel stopping the bombing and pursuing a permanent ceasefire and negotiated settlement that provides security for both Israelis and Palestinians. Read Kathy's blog articles on the Israel-Gaza conflict.? Read Michael's post on An Empathetic and Peace Seeking Response to the Israel-Hamas War.? See video version of this interview.? Visit If Americans Knew Watch More Episodes #TheSpiritualBrewpub

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Episode 7
The Bible?A Record of Humanity?s Moral Development: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Coming out of evangelicalism years ago, I always struggled with how to reconcile parts of the Bible. When I started to study history, however, there were several mysteries I solved about the Bible that totally blew me away and helped me finally make sense of most of it. I?m going to share those with you on today?s podcast. Buckle your seat belts and let?s take a ride together off the mythological Bible Belt Interstate and onto the road-less-traveled historic Bible Byway. What You Will Learn:? Why the Bible can't be inerrant and an altogether true record of history and God's character Why the Bible should not, however, be viewed as irrelevant for today How the Bible is a collection of dissenting views on the character of God and human morality The ways the Bible critiques itself, e.g. in the sacrificial system and violent retribution narratives The stark contrast in the Bible's narrative of violent sacrificial religion vs. social justice of the prophets and the non-violent love ethic of Jesus and Paul How the Bible can be viewed as a record of humanity's record of moral development What narratives rise to the top that will help our global community overcome conflict, violence, war, and harmful fundamentalist religion Also, Michael shares plans and hopes of forthcoming interviews. Grab a brew and enjoy responsibly! Be sure to ask questions and make comments, pro or con, at www.spiritualbrewpub.com.
Episode 16
Kevin Miller on his films JESUSA & "Hellbound?"
Kevin Miller joins us in a illuminating conversation on his controversial and popular documentary films, particularly his latest JESUSA (2020) and Hellbound? (2012). Michael observes how the first film, according to popular theology, is really about how God supposedly deals with the problem of evil in the world and the second film is how humanity deals with the problem of evil.? Learn Kevin's journey to question, research, and rethink evangelical and fundamentalist theology that led him to write and produce these provocative films. They challenge all Christians and society to embrace a new paradigm on addressing evil through peacemaking, rather than retribution, violence, and threats of eternal damnation.?? JESUSA is an in-depth exploration of the relationship between Christianity and American nationalism and the violence that often emerges from it. Far from a new phenomenon, this documentary traces the co-opting of Christianity by the state all the way back to the age of Constantine, when the Christian faith became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Through interviews with a diverse group of scholars, pastors, historians, and activists, this film shows how specific readings of the Bible have led many Christians to confuse their devotion to Jesus with their dedication to the state.? Hellbound? For many people, belief in hell as a place of eternal torment for the wicked is an indisputable tenet of Christian orthodoxy. In their view, rejecting or modifying this belief is tantamount to rejecting Christianity, itself. But a growing number of believers disagree. They argue that we can have a loving God or we can have eternal hell, but we can't have both. "Hellbound?" is a provocative, critically acclaimed documentary that wades right into the center of this debate. Learn more at Kevin Miller's website and The Spiritual Brewpub 's road to spiritual freedom.?
Episode 22
The Necessity of Christian Universalism
Author, podcaster, and retired pastor David Artman joins Michael to discuss his book Grace Saves All: The Necessity of Christian Universalism. As a child, the first time David attended a church, after he walked out he told his mom, ?That place is scary. I?m not going back.? Why? Because this church taught the doctrine of hell with a vengeance. After a few years, now in the 5th grade, David was evangelized by a pretty six-teen-year-old conservative Christian girl, who told him if he didn?t accept Jesus he would be eternally damned. And, to play it safe, he better accept him that very night. He did, but he knew deep down it was driven by fear. Later still, as a young adult he saw a softer and intellectual side of Christianity in the writings of CS Lewis. But the doctrine of hell still loomed large. In this episode, you will learn how one man navigated these experiences and through research and seeking finally landed in a place where Christian Universalism ?i.e., trusting that all of humanity will ultimately be restored to a God of love?is a necessary belief for anyone who takes Jesus seriously, not merely a legitimate belief. Join Michael and David in this illuminating conversation on the three major Christian positions on how God views humankind?s destiny?Transactional (Arminianism), Exclusivity (Calvinism), and Inclusivity (Universalism)?and why it?s biblical, historical, logical, and necessary to land on the third position. They also discuss church vs. true spirituality and what is going on in today?s Modern Reformation of ?Christian? thought. Learn more about David at davidartman.net and Michael at The Spiritual Brewpub website.?
Episode 24
Frank Schaeffer on Leaving Evangelicalism and What Matters Most
In his newest book, " Fall in Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy ," Frank Schaeffer offers a passionate political, social, and lifestyle ?blueprint? for changes millions of us know are needed to rebalance our work lives with thriving relationships. Before Covid, many Americans were already questioning capitalism?s ?values.? We were already challenging the idea that your job defines you. We already knew something was wrong. Loneliness, frustration, and alienation were already on the rise.? Michael and Frank have a fascinating conversation on Frank's journey out of his conservative, evangelical past and into a new way of looking at the world that aligns with history and science and focuses on what matters most: the priority of relationships, connections, community, love, caring for the earth, and empowering the poor and marginalized--all things that Jesus taught.? Far from the conservative Christian view that all humans are depraved at birth and destined to screw up without some divine intervention, you will hear how evolutionary history points to the notion of "survival of the friendliest." Humanity is conditioned to cooperate and be kind to one another. It's innately built in whether you believe in an evolutionary path, that we were created in the image of a God of love, or both. Join Frank and Michael to hear reflections on years of American evangelical trends, why feminism is important, and ideas on how to prioritize what matters most. Learn more about Frank at frankschaeffer.com ?and Michael at spiritualbrewpub.com.?
Episode 25
Joshua Harris: Why I Left Evangelicalism, Church, and Purity Culture
Joshua Harris became famous at 22 in evangelical circles after writing a book called, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" that popularized the concept of "courting" as a "Christian" alternative to the secular dating scene. Harris was a product of the conservative Christian homeschool movement. He later became a senior pastor of a Sovereign Grace Ministries mega church (formerly People of Destiny) outside Washington, DC. After embracing what appeared to him as an exciting church movement on the cutting edge of living and spreading "the gospel" of Jesus, he discovered its dark side. Seeing spiritual abuse, manipulation, controlling leaders, and sexual abuse lawsuits that hit his denomination, he ultimately became disillusioned, left the church, attended a progressive seminary, admitted his ministry mistakes, and then announced he no longer considered himself a Christian.? Join Michael and Josh in a fascinating conversation on Josh's evolution, how and why he changed his mind, and what brought him to where he is today--having deconstructed evangelicalism and wondering if what faith should boil down to is simply loving your neighbor--i.e., the love ethic of Christ. Michael and Josh have a lot in common in their past and reminisce about the recent history of the evangelical movement, where they think it lost its way, and how to approach religious deconstruction and reconstruction. Learn about Josh's journey at joshharris.com and Michael's at spiritualbrewpub.com.?
Episode 28
Confronting Christofascism: Healing the Evangelical Wound - Carolyn Baker
This episode is critical to listen to as we get close to the midterm elections in November 2022. My new friend, Carolyn Baker, shares lessons from her book, Confronting Christofascism: Healing the Evangelical Wound.? We discuss the history of this unholy alliance--fascist, macho, authoritarian ideas mixed with conservative Christianity (and politics)--its relation to Trumpism, and how it threatens society and democracy. Carolyn invites those recovering from the influence of fundamentalist religions, as well as the non-religious seeking to preserve the democratic experiment, to excise the toxic influences of religious authoritarianism from politics and personal life. Listeners from all backgrounds will be enlightened and inspired by Carolyn's clear and incisive snapshot of this defining moment in our history. Writing from her upbringing as a fundamentalist Christian and her years of practicing psychotherapy, she offers a deep dive into the psychology of fundamentalism as well as specific guidelines for healing the wounds of immersion in a subculture of religious domination. Don't miss this one! And, don't think this is hyperbole! Hear what Carolyn has to say based on her personal experience, historical research, and training as a psychotherapist.? To find the book, visit Confronting Christofascism on Amazon. To learn more about Carolyn Baker and her other books, visit carolynbaker.net. To learn more about Michael and his journey out of evangelicalism into the historical, fact-based way of Jesus, visit The Spiritual Brewpub. Find more episodes here.?
Episode 51
Deconstructing Your Faith Without Losing Yourself
One day Angela Herrington had an epiphany. She loved God but realized the conservative Christian movement she was in was teaching some really toxic stuff. Join Michael and Angela?s conversation about what faith deconstruction is, why it?s so crucial, and how to address its critics. Angela shares from her heart and the wellspring of wisdom in her new book, Deconstructing Your Faith Without Losing Yourself. Learn why deconstruction is not just the latest trend, what toxic religion is, and what you need on a deconstructing journey to ensure you?re not losing yourself and not warping historical facts. ?In faith deconstruction, we are not dismantling every belief we have until there is no belief left. Instead, we are examining, sifting, and sorting what we believe to determine how it aligns with who we believe God to be.? Angela is a faith deconstruction coach, a certified life coach, and seminary-trained online pastor. She holds a BA in biblical studies from Indiana Wesleyan and an MA in leadership from Wesley Seminary. Find Angela?s book here: https://www.amazon.com/Deconstructing-Faith-without-Losing-Yourself/dp/0802883281/ ?Angela?s website: https://angelajherrington.com/ The Faith Deconstruction Caf?: https://www.facebook.com/groups/faithdeconstructioncafe Michael?s Faith Deconstruction Workshop: https://www.spiritualbrewpub.com/spiritual-freedom-deconstruction-workshops More Episodes: https://spiritualbrewpub.podbean.com/ ?
Episode 52
Holy Hell! Methodist Pastor Debunks Eternal Damnation
Join Reverend Derek Kubilus and Michael having an amazing conversation on the doctrine of hell and how Derek came to reject it as a mistranslated, misinterpreted, and illogical concept that totally contradicts God's love. Derek addresses these questions below. Don't miss his insightful answers: * How are some people haunted by hell? * What are the major glaring contradictions of the notion of a hell that is created and maintained by a loving God? * If Christians truly, really, honestly believed in hell and truly, really, honestly loved their neighbors, how would they live their life? * What are the most interesting examples of mistranslations of terms referring to hell in the New Testament? * What does Jesus mean when he says ?everyone will be salted by fire?? * Where did modern Christians get the idea that God is retributive?to the point of punishing people infinitely if necessary? * What is your response to those who claim that death is the ultimate cutoff for securing one?s salvation? * How does the concept of ?remedial punishment/rehab of the age? equate with purgatory? Is purgatory in the Bible under a different term? * How do you define being a universalist? Why does it not mean all religions are alike all lead to the same God? * How does Jesus expand the borders of those to be saved? * How do you answer the objection that we need hell to maintain human freedom? * What are the wonderful, beneficial implications of no longer believing in hell? Find Derek's book, Holy Hell: A Case Against Eternal Damnation here (out Feb. 27 and available for preorder now): https://www.amazon.com/Holy-Hell-against-Eternal-Damnation-ebook/dp/B0CBVLY23F/ Michael Camp's Spiritual Brewpub, Deconstruction Workshop, books, and blog: https://www.spiritualbrewpub.com/ More episodes: https://spiritualbrewpub.podbean.com/ ?
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