A Time to Shift

And while we imagined that the greatest threat to "our way of life" would be coming from the "terrorists," the until now respectable financiers, through pure self-serving selfishness, have wreaked far more damage than the fanatics. More people will suffer and die, especially in the undeveloped countries, through the current economic contraction than have suffered and died from terrorism.

But both the fanatics and the financiers have lost the battle of ideas and their limited success is only the result of their willingness to cold-heartedly kill for their beliefs or exploit circumstances ends. Both have already lost the battle because they don't have Divine support. Perhaps they will yet realize that what they are killing is themselves and that what they are exploiting is themselves. The fanatics shall be judged by their own judgments. The terrorists shall be burned by their own fire. And the financiers of global destruction may be bankrupted before they make the planet unliveable. And, dare we say it, all of this is in the end nothing but Justice and Mercy.

The fanatics shall be judged by their own judgments. The terrorists shall be burned by their own fire. And the financiers of global destruction may be bankrupted before they make the planet unliveable.

These insane cruelties and indignities are enacted on both an international scale and also on smaller stages. In the power structures of governments, corporations, and organized religions, right down to the local level, the vestiges of authoritarian, dogmatic, and often puritanical attitudes are making their last stand. Politically and theologically, these trends reveal a state of mind contaminated and polluted by a toxic egoism.

In practically every area of human life we have witnessed a profound failure of leadership-in business, in the media, in organized religion. We can easily supply the details. The question is: where do we turn for a way out of our situation?

What if this is a time of merciful purging and purification? Exhausted by the demands we have place upon ourselves, living at a speed and intensity that serves no purpose but the slavery to a system that in the end does not serve us, a new approach to life would be very welcome to most people.

Signs of supernatural hope appear in popular literature and entertainment, though often in somewhat sensationalized ways. The imaginative world of popular literature, television, and cinema offers us many images and narratives of magical human capacities, as if the subconscious mind were calling our attention to some new possibility of human agency: angels, psychics, characters who heal, regenerate, teleport.

The Harry Potter series, the revival of the Narnia tales are just the most popular and familiar of these imaginative worlds. The internationally popular and acclaimed television series "Heroes" tells the stories of ordinary individuals from around the world who mysteriously exhibit precognitive, telekinetic and "superhuman" qualities in solving problems and preventing disasters. These manifestations in the popular imagination may be indications of a deeper knowing coming into consciousness.

What if it were to become suddenly, inexplicably clear that all of humanity is psychically interdependent, that mind is a cause more than an effect, and that consciousness within the universe is purposeful, and is unfolding according to a plan, we would be faced with a discovery something like, but much greater than the discovery that the earth is round and the sun is the center of a solar system-much greater because this quantum shift of perception both reorients and opens up not just material space, but spiritual space as well.

Perhaps in this time of purification and truth, humanity is approaching the recognition of its own "we-ness." Though different, we are all One, and might as well begin to act like it. Let the Heroes come forth. Perhaps we have no other choice.

1/1/2000 5:00:00 AM