Translating Vision into Action

You can see why I was excited to tell you about the many changes ahead.  The Portal will continue to provide its regular meditations and devotionals, and will continue to develop articles for the Public Square, which in coming months will address everything from the nature of God to sexuality and movies to interfaith marriage and science and religion.  And through our relationships with writers, bloggers, and content sites, we will continue to produce fresh pieces and perspectives and to serve as a guide to the best the web has to offer. 

Of course, developing these features will take time and manpower.  If you believe in the vision of the Evangelical Portal, and wish to lend a hand, drop me a note at  I am wholeheartedly convinced that we can, in obedience to God and through His grace, do extraordinary things together. 


Timothy Dalrymple is the manager of the Evangelical Portal at Patheos.  Educated at Stanford, Oxford, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Harvard, he writes on religion, politics, culture, and faith.

1/29/2010 5:00:00 AM
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