Border Crossings: The SBC of the 21st Century

In midtown Nashville, where the Parthenon stands in the center of Centennial Park, the few residents who are mindful of Christianity are vocally opposed to its evangelical subculture. The American South is rumored to be an evangelical stronghold, but more and more this seems less and less the case, especially in the major cities.

McCullough and churches like Trinity are cognizant of this. Culturally, the American South is changing, and new sociological realities are dawning for Southern Baptists. The traumas associated with these new missiological challenges are creating a thrashing about in the denomination that could make the last three decades of controversy in the SBC seem like the calm before the storm.

6/7/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Evangelical
  • Crisis and Kairos
  • Southern Baptists
  • Christianity
  • Evangelicalism
  • Douglas Baker
    About Douglas Baker
    Douglas E. Baker is the former Executive Editor of The Baptist Messenger, and serves now as Assistant to the Provost of Union University. Follow him via Twitter or Facebook.