Douglas Baker
Douglas Baker is a native of Louisiana and son of a World War II hero. Early in his life he was taught the power of ideas and the importance of Holy Scripture as the source of truth. His father made certain that he also knew about the history of the United States in a way that propelled a love for the study of history, theology and politics. His love of baseball eventually gave way to a passion for music and writing.
He is a graduate of Louisiana State University (B.A.), New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and the Johns Hopkins University (M.A.). His thesis at Hopkins, Toward an Evangelical Public Theology: From St. Augustine to Carl F.H. Henry, was awarded highest honors by the university. He has served as Project Assistant and Press Secretary for the Louisiana State Education Commission, Special Assistant to former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, Director of Corporate Relations for the United States Naval Academy Foundation, Executive Director of the Council on Public Affairs and Director of Public Relations for the Baptist General Convention of North Carolina, and Executive Editor of The Baptist Messenger. He now serves as Assistant to the Provost of Union University.
His work has appeared in Christianity Today and he founded The Messenger InSight, where he interviewed evangelical leaders in a monthly podcast. He and his family currently reside in Oklahoma City, OK.