The Perfect Storm; Mercury Retrograde and Ebola

The Perfect Storm; Mercury Retrograde and Ebola October 16, 2014

Many have asked my opinion about the recent Ebola ‘outbreak’. Many have also reminded me and others of my prediction I made in November 2013 of a medical crisis (Influenza outbreak – much like SARS – that happens in the fall-time of 2014), and of the ‘visions’ that I had in 2012 and 2013 where people were being quarantined by the government into large buildings that resembled University dorms. Even through all of those visions, I still am not panicking – but that doesn’t mean that I’m not taking precautions. I haven’t cancelled any trips or asked my clients to wear masks, but I am standing far away from sick people, washing my hands more frequently and over all trying to boost my immunity.

From all that I’ve read it was a 2 year old boy in southern Guinea who came down with a mysterious illness in late 2013. He died, but not before contaminating his family, who was hospitalized and thus the Ebola spread. By March of this year the disease  had spread to four cities and then to several countries, with over 1400 people who’ve died. It is believed that 2 year old boy was PATIENT ZERO for the Ebola outbreak  (REFERENCE HERE). 

I’ve heard rumblings through social media on how it isn’t a true outbreak. I’ve seen people freaking out, to the point of lack of sleep and tears. I’ve heard it called a government conspiracy – whatever may be the case, it is here and I’m not surprised that it showed up during this time of Mercury Retrograde to create the perfect storm of opportunity.

Mercury Retrograde occurs three times a year, and lasts for several weeks during each time period. It is said that Mercury Retrograde goes backwards, or takes a vacation. Mercury is ruled by communication, so anything with communication, contracts and legal obligations can and often does go haywire. So for those that follow astrology or energy cycles, it isn’t surprising to see communication failure during this time. The only thing different is that this time communication failures can lead to death. 

Last year I contracted H1N1. My husband took me to the hospital where they looked at me in the waiting room and sent me on my way because I was infectious. “Take her home,” they told my husband. “She’ll be safer there and we will be safer too.” I laid on the couch thinking that I was going to die (and not even exaggerating). My fever was so high, my brain felt like mush, I couldn’t think, and every cell in my body hurt. Ironically (or was it?), it was during Mercury Retrograde. “Take her home,” they said. “She’ll be safer there….”

As much as we are made to believe that the hospitals are prepared for a medical crisis, an outbreak of global proportions, my experience last year with the flu tells me that they aren’t, which means that we have make our own preparations. And from recent news on the Dallas hospital, concern that if they can’t take care of their own workers, are the hospital truly able to take care of their patients?

If you Google Ebola you will see a variety of conflicting headlines: BBC News – Ebola crisis: WHO says major outbreak in West ‘unlikely’ and Chronology: Worst Ebola outbreak on record tests global response and Ebola: from local outbreak to global epidemic.

So what is it? A mere handful of people or an outbreak? With Mercury Retrograde, which makes many people sound a lot like Charlie Brown’s teacher, you will more than likely be saying ‘Huh’ for the next month as a straight answer just probably won’t come.

What is it that YOU can do? The first thing is to not put the panic energy out into the Universe. Like attracts like and feeds the bad. Meditate, get some sleep, if you must read about it, read reliable sites (I love this medical astrologers take on things) and try to send positive energy out and positive energy back to you. If you are concerned, talk to a trusted physician who can give you a list of preventives (like wash your hands, keep your fluid intake up, your immunity elevated, etc). If you continue to fester about it, you might not get ebola, but you might get an ulcer!

As I mentioned in my Scarlet & Gold article – the month of October is about focusing on the scarlet and gold in your life and not looking at the dead branches and falling leaves and focusing on depressing aspects. Instead, it’s a time for rebirth, re-connections, renewal and re-beginnings.
Kristy Robinett


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