Your Inner Guide

Your Inner Guide March 6, 2016

innerguideIt had been an overwhelming day, but not in the sense as anything was wrong per say, just the energy felt heavy. Some of it from the sessions I had done. Although I love making the connections, and I hope that I leave my clients with a sense of peace, I often absorb some of the grief without realizing it. As I daydreamed while driving home a van pulled into my lane cutting me off. Instead of getting angry, I caught sight of the license plate.

A couple years ago I lost a dear friend to a car accident. He’d been on my mind as of recent and thought briefly that maybe he was training to be a guide. The license plate was simply his initials and three numbers – 444.

Numbers have vibration and meaning, and some of us resonate to some numbers without understanding why, we just do. 444 has been my number and when I went to get my cell phone almost fifteen years ago the number they gave me ended in 444. It was a sign. Whenever I call anyone who knows what 444 is, they get giddy. 444 resonates with the angels, guides and your own inner guidance and I knew that the truck that pulled in front of me was a bit of a wake up from just the same, including my friend who passed.

Just as the healer tends to not allow themselves to seek healing, we often quiet our own inner guidance. When we let go of analyzing everything and just be, setting aside ego, we find peace. We also start to trust and we start to believe in our goals, and they in turn become aligned to our unique purpose. They call this the Law of Detachment.

Because of our need to control, we lose a lot during the adventure of life, so anxious to get to where we believe we need to be, doing what we believe we need to do. The Law of Detachment guides us to let go of the ego; the need to control everything and force things the way we believe it has to be. When we detach, it opens up the flow of possibilities, love, joy and peace.

The drive that pulled in front of me was a wake up to allow others to help. To allow other possibilities to flow through that we aren’t allowing to see because we’ve got shades on our inner guide. It’s time to take the shades off and see the beautiful life you can have.

“The answers we’re looking for are all within ourselves, we just need to become better connected, more present – to what we eat, to nature, to our surroundings and to our inner guide.”

– Mariel Hemingway


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