August Oracle – Is Leo Roaring or Snoring?

August Oracle – Is Leo Roaring or Snoring? July 31, 2016

Your life is much like a secret garden – you have to make the time to look for the keys, the doorways and the beauty within you. So often we look outside of ourselves to make us happy, when really it is within us. Our birthright vibration gets misplaced and we blame outsiders. We are still within our secret garden, though – take the time to go discover you again – you might have some weeding to do, you might have some resting to do, but the hard work will pay off in the end. With Tuesday’s NEW MOON in the sign of LEO it’s up to you to let the lion roar or snore.

This is the best time to set goals, look at moving, organizing, new job, creative undertakings, new romance (or relighting the flame on a current), or anything else that you want to bring into your life. This is a time to have self-confidence and go after what calls to you – taking chances, having faith and believing! Oracle or Tarot are often a wonderful tool to help you see what you might not be seeing.

All the backs are the same and below is the meaning to your card. Close your eyes, take a few deep and cleansing breathes and ask your guides/angels what you might need to know right now. Open your eyes and choose one card. You may resonate with a certain card or maybe the number, just don’t second guess yourself.


Which card did you choose?




If you chose #1 – BE WILLING TO FORGIVE – Release yourself from any guilt you may be carrying for hurting someone, release the person who has caused you pain. Ask the Angels to clear your mind and body of past pain in exchange for peacefulness. The angels are trying to help you with your question by urging you to heal anger related to your past experiences and relationships. This old anger has become a barrier to attracting your desires, as well as a magnet that attracts similar situations to your side. This is a very important message, and your willingness to forgive is all that’s required. Forgiveness is release, and clears a space for good to fill it. Since it’s the FULL MOON write down all the burdens that you are holding on to and then burn it in the FULL MOON.

If you chose #2 – SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA – This card comes to you to because the angels wish to help you with issues concerning power and control. They first want to reassure you that you are powerful. It is safe for you to use your power in loving ways. The angels will not allow you to abuse it, and the people who truly love you will respect and applaud your spirited words and actions. remember that power does not equate to aggression; it simply means being completely authentic with yourself and others. The angels want to remind you that no one else is controlling you, or can control you, without your permission. You always have options and choices, and the angels can help you make those decisions if you ask. They will also assist you in feeling more in control of your life and your spiritual gifts. It may be time to ask Archangel Michael to cut the toxic cords you have wrapped around your soul.

If you chose #3 – INTEGRITY – Align your actions so that they match your values and inner knowingness of what is right for you. This card is a response to your questions or prayers about increasing your happiness and confidence. The angels answer is: Only conduct activities that you believe are right. This is based on no one else’s code of conduct but your own. The angels say that engaging in behaviors that you feel guilty or ashamed about erode your self-esteem and self-confidence. Conversely, you can feel great about yourself by only doing that which you feel is right. Again, this is based on your own moral compass and no one else’s. The angels can help you change or heal any situation or relationship so that you are able to bring your entire life fully into alignment with your inner truth. It’s not that you are being immoral, it’s about you not living your authentic life. Time to stop hiding your true light.

If you chose #4 – BOOKS – Your life purpose involves books. Now, this could be reading, editing, going to school, or it could mean writing a book/journal/website, etc. Spend some quality time in a library or a bookstore and ask Archangel Gabriel to assist you with your dreams that involve books.

If you chose #5 – VACUUM AWAY FEAR – Call upon Archangels Michael and Raphael to lift fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation, and everyone involved. It is so easy to fear the unknown of any situation like the beginning of a new relationship, the start of a new venture or project or career, a move to a new place, or anything where there is an element of uncertainty and the unknown. If we only had that crystal ball so we could see what the end result will be. Will we be happy and fulfilled, or will we be miserable and wish we had made a different choice? Unfortunately we don’t all have a crystal ball and if we do, it may not always work. But we have something a lot better! We have our angels and guides who watch over us and protect us. We have our own internal guidance system, our intuition and our feelings. However sometimes we need to get rid of that fear so that we can allow ourselves to feel what our emotions and our gut are telling us, in order to make the right choice for ourselves.

So when we find ourselves paralyzed by fear and unable to make a decision one way or the other, we can call upon Archangel Michael to vacuum away our fear and then we can ask Archangel Raphael to fill us with the green light of his healing love. We can do this as many times as we need to until we feel more at peace. Then we will be better able to access our internal guidance so that we can make the appropriate choice or decision which will help us lead a more joy-filled life.

{These cards came from Dr. Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Oracle.}

I hope you enjoyed your ANGEL READING.

Kristy Robinett (Livonia, MI) is a professional psychic medium. In addition to giving readings and teaching workshops, she uses her psychic skills to assist with police investigations. Kristy lectures across the country and has appeared on Fox NewsABC News, and Coast to Coast. She is also the author of It’s a Wonderful Afterlife, Forevermore,  Messenger Between Worlds: True Stories from a Psychic MediumHigher Intuitions OracleGhosts of Southeast Michigan and Michigan’s Haunted Legends and Lore. Visit her online at

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