Bible News Radio Edition Discussing SCOTUS Decision

Bible News Radio Edition Discussing SCOTUS Decision June 27, 2015

Yesterday on our Bible News Radio program my husband and I discussed the SCOTUS decision to make homosexual marriage legal in all fifty states in America.  I shared my initial reaction to hearing the news, even though I had already been saying for months that I knew the decision was going to happen.  I’ve seen this coming for years, because the homosexual lobby has a lot of power and a lot of money and while the church has been snoozing away and enjoying potluck dinners in their congregations, the homosexual lobby has been working hard to give the approximately 3% of the population that engages in unnatural sexual behavior rights that God doesn’t give them.

Yesterday was a very sad day for those who love truth and righteousness.

I will also say, one thing I didn’t mention in the show is this.  I am a clinically trained marriage and family therapist and in all of my training, I never learned how to counsel a homosexual or lesbian couple in regards to their marriage.  I can see, in the future, how in clinical training there’s going to need to be new curriculum and new research done in order to accommodate that minute percentage of LGBT couples who will go to counseling to work out their marriage problems.


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