UPDATED!! – You’ll Never Guess What Leading Gay Activist Molested an Underage Teen

UPDATED!! – You’ll Never Guess What Leading Gay Activist Molested an Underage Teen July 8, 2015

SHOCKING UPDScreen Shot 2015-07-08 at 9.48.17 PMATE: Prosecutors have revealed today that there are other charges against Bean.  One new charge is that Bean provided alcohol and drugs to a 16 year old teenager who later tried to kill himself.  Bean also had sex with this minor going back to 1979.  See the shocking news here.

In case you haven’t heard this story because the liberal media has largely spiked it, one of the founders of the leading homosexual lobby group, The Human Rights Campaign, as well as the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund was arrested last year for numerous incidents of sex with a minor.

Terrence (Terry) Bean was arrested last year, posted $7000 for bail, and has been walking the streets ever since.  Bean, not only helped found the Human Rights Campaign, but he is also a Democrat and a huge Obama supporter.

Maybe that’s really hard to believe because the liberal media didn’t pounce on Bean’s wicked behavior the way they did Josh Duggar.  Josh Duggar, after all, is a Christian and only molested his sisters.  Bean is an active and very rich homosexual activist and has ties to Obama, so naturally the media wouldn’t want to cover a story about a homosexual raping and having sex with underage minors.

Don’t you like that double standard?

The latest news with Bean is that he wants to settle out of court and the prosecutor is saying that he objects to Bean’s proposal.  I’m with the prosecutor.

Not only was Terrence Bean arrested for sex with a minor, but Bean’s former boyfriend, Kiah Loy Lawson, was also arrested.  In case you want to know their ages, Terry Bean is 66 and Kiah Loy Lawson is 25.  That’s a 41 year difference in age, which I think is worth pointing out.

Consider this: What if a man was 66 years old and his girlfriend was 25. Wouldn’t that be gross?  Why is it okay if it’s male on male then?

Add to this nasty affair a crime victim who is 15 years old and then you have not only the grossness of a man who is old enough to be retired, but he’s sexually abusing a minor that is at least 51 years younger.  Evil upon evil.

Add to that the 25 year old perpetrator also being involved with the 15 year old and it’s triple trouble and just as criminal.

Why is this such a stunning story? Because it’s a leading homosexual activist who is doing the crime.  See, in the media handbook, homosexuals are supposed to always be portrayed as fun-loving, happy and gay and never ever ever as someone who is engaged in underage sex with minors.

The problem in this case is that Terry Bean is not only a pervert, he’s Obama’s friend, a friend of the DNC and he heads up a homosexual lobby group that persecutes Christians. He is everything that Christians fighting the homosexual agenda are warning everyone about; but hey, he’s a homosexual, so he can get away with raping underage boys.

Or can he?  I, for one, will be praying his victim receives justice and if society is lucky enough, Bean will be serving the rest of his natural life behind bars.

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