All Saints Day Reflection

All Saints Day Reflection November 1, 2011

This morning I decided to go to the daily liturgy at a local Ukrainian Catholic church.

It was interesting, beautiful, and difficult

I often take pride in my ability to feel at home in almost any worship context. I grew up in an ecumenical community and grew up going to just about every kind of church you can imagine.

It’s good for me to be UNCOMFORTABLE sometimes…

This church make it difficult to feel comfortable. The whole service was in Ukrainian, and there were no worship materials available.

I have been to liturgy many times, I have even been to liturgy in Ukrainian many times, but this was different. This was the first time I didn’t have a translation to follow.

Although I knew generally what was going on I was forced to worship with my eyes much more then my ears and mind.

I began to simply pray the Jesus Prayer over and over to myself and watch the movements of the congregation around me. The liturgy in this new context took on a new character and life.

In the midst of my confusion it was still clear to me that these people deeply loved and honored Jesus. Even though I didn’t know a single word to pray I was able to worship with my whole heart.

It really brought home the reality of All Saints Day.

We are not united with the saints through a common language or culture. We are not united by a location or time. We are not united by a single liturgy or polity.

We are united by a Single Lord

Glory to Jesus Christ

Have a blessed All Saints Day

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