Vote for the Good

Vote for the Good November 7, 2016

IMG_20161105_060811To my christian friends who are voting for Trump. I know why you are doing it. You hate Abortion.

I know it’s an important issue… but I feel I have to say something.

But this pro-life only attitude has become dangerous. Not only for the nation and the world but even our souls.

It’s been used to cover such a multitude of sins.

It’s justified budgets that abuse the poor.
It’s justified supporting candidates who vote to cut food aid to the most vulnerable, those who support the death penalty, those who oppose the care of creation, those who close the door on the refugee, those who promote unjust wars, and those who refuse to take action to reform our immigration policy, gun laws, or work for racial reconciliation.

We accept politicians who ignore the 1 in 5 people in developing nations who are living in extreme poverty, or even worse, allow them to further abuse them through unjust trade deals, or unsustainable aid policies that are focused more on generating American wealth then on helping the needy in their distress.

These things are antithetical to the faith and we have sacrificed working on them just hoping that maybe this time the right judges will finally get appointed and overturn Roe V. Wade.

I have brought these issues up time and time again and have been told that until we overturn abortion these other issues are marginal and secondary.

We can’t keep going this way.

I want to challenge you. We are faced with a candidate who has time and time again demonstrated he’s got it wrong. He promotes a message that marginalizes the stranger, he denies care for creation, he values security over justice, and profits over mercy. He objectifies women and promotes a culture of masculinity of the most deplorable kind.

I do not want my children to grow up believing that this is what a leader in America looks like. I do not want the witness of the Church to be that the “end justifies the means.”

The end does not justify the means. Our message is freedom to the captives, food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, clothes for the naked, grace for the sinner, mercy to the debtor. Our means is the cross. The daily laying down of our lives.

Vote for this. I don’t care how you do it but vote for this.


Grace and Peace….

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