Products We Love: Greek Yogurt and new dual-action Lysol cleaning wipes

Products We Love: Greek Yogurt and new dual-action Lysol cleaning wipes September 16, 2011

Let's Get it Started

Greek Yogurt, where have you been all my life? With the high energy/protein requirements of daily life these days, beginning the day with toast, cereal, or any of the usual quick breakfast options leaves me faint on the couch by 10am. Eggs are a little high maintenance and aren’t all that appetizing 7 mornings a week, and before now, yogurt didn’t quite have the protein to satisfy me. Enter nonfat Greek yogurt: one individual-sized pot has 14g of protein (the same amount of protein as two and a half eggs, and twice the protein of a normal pot of yogurt), only 130 calories, and 40% of the calcium RDA, just for starters. That is packing a serious nutritional punch. My sisters-in-law were eating it with honey and slivered almonds mixed in when we saw them at Christmas. My kids love it, and it’s quick before school and so healthy. It’s about 1.5 times as expensive as normal yogurt, but less with sales and coupons, and now all the store generic brands are making their own Greek yogurt. Bring on the day!

Who needs a cleaning lady, anyway?

Have you seen the new dual-action Lysol wipes? I have always been a fan of Lysol/Clorox wipes for quick cleanup, because they are durable, quick, and lighter on the chemicals than spray plus paper towel. Now, some mastermind at Lysol Headquarters has taken it to a new level. The new dual-action wipes have one side that is the usual softer side for wiping, but now the other side has a scouring texture for scrubbing. With that scrubbing side added, I can deep clean a large-ish surface in our house with one wipe in no time flat. Cleaning the gooey cup holders and other heavily-soiled surfaces inside the car? A breeze. Scrub then wipe then toss it out. Thank you, Lysol, for eliminating a few extra steps and making quick cleanups even quicker.

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