Magical Monday: Salute the Moon

Magical Monday: Salute the Moon November 23, 2015



As many of you know, yoga is a huge part of my spiritual practice, but lately, I’ve been letting life get in the way of making time for my mat. I tend to get a bit cranky and uncentered when I don’t do yoga regularly, so I knew I needed to modify this situation quickly.

On an impulse, I looked up a video sequence for Chandra Namaskar, the lunar sequence, on the last full moon, and even working through the poses once offered me ten minutes of amazing connection. I’ve always loved the sun sequences as a way to start the day, but tapping into the less-talked about lunar sequence, while at the same time honoring the current phase of the moon, has allowed me to deepen both my yogic and Pagan practices. It’s been interesting doing the sequence at both the full and the new moon, and noticing the subtle differences in my body and spirit; Chandra Namaskar practiced on the full moon leaves me feeling luminous and expansive, while the same posses on the new moon leave me introspective and intuitive.

If you’re looking for a quick way to tap into the power of your body while honoring the power of the moon, I’d highly recommend the moon sequence, even if you’re new to yoga. There are countless videos showing variations of this sequence, but this one by Natalie Rousseau is my current favorite.

How do you take time to honor yourself when life gets busy?

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