CBB Review – God’s Healing Mercy

CBB Review – God’s Healing Mercy January 27, 2016

gods_healing_mercy_spotlightWe have embarked upon this great Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis. There are a number of sources being released by publishers to aid the faithful on this journey. In the coming weeks and months ahead. This week we are going to take a look at one written by Kathleen Beckman. God’s Healing Mercy: Finding Your Path to Forgiveness, Peace, and Joy  is a self-guided retreat that in the end will reveal to readers the healing power of divine mercy.

The book contains twelve chapters and each focus on a particular topic of spirituality. Kathleen focuses on how the rays of divine mercy benefit each of these. These topics are diverse and bear outlining here:

Healing from Unforgiveness to Forgiveness

Healing from Shame to Mercy

Healing from Anxiety to Peace

Healing from Pride to Humility

Healing from No to Yes

Healing from Powerlessness to Prayer

Healing from Spiritual Warfare to Christ’s Victory

Healing from Sin-sickness to Eucharist

Healing from Spiritual Weakness to the Beatitudes

Healing from Worldliness to Works of Mercy

Healing the Culture through the Spiritual Works of Mercy

Each of these chapters opens with either scripture or a snippet from an audience of one of our recent Popes. You also get a two or three bullet point outline of the objectives of the chapter. Kathleen than delivers a thoughtful reflection on the topic at hand. I can say that after reading these it was evident that Kathleen is a talented retreat master when not writing. She includes in each chapter a section called “Profile in Mercy” which focuses on an individual or saint that ties in with the topic just covered. Each chapter concludes with a number of questions for reflection and a section called “Applying God’s Mercy.”

In general, the book can be used for personal reflection or group study. In a group setting ideally I could see this used in a small group type forum. Based upon the theme of mercy the book strives, through spiritual exercises, to provide inner healing using Scripture and the example of the lives of the saints. Kathleen uses an all-encompassing approach to this inner healing that starts with addressing our own personal weaknesses than radiates out to impacting the world and society around each person.

Kathleen points out that while working your way through this retreat you have a personal retreat team. A thought provoking concept and I share that team here:

The Eterenal Father, who holds you in His almighty hand. Jesus, your Divine Physician, Healer, and Restorer. The Holy Spirit, your Divine Retreat Master, Sanctifier. Mary, your merciful Mother who prepares, protects, partners, prays. Saints in this book, your intercessory team.

God’s Healing Mercy is a fantastic book. I don’t say that lightly. Kathleen’s has forged a two-edged sword that reaps many benefits. Firstly, the time spent in reflection leading to healing your own inner shortcomings will prove invaluable and life-changing to the reader. Secondly, once the reader has addressed their own life in regards to mercy Kathleen guides the reader on applying merciful principals to the direct world around them. We can change the world one situation or one person at a time. We can achieve that through mercy….let Kathleen Beckman show you how.


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