A little child, commander of angels; Angels: Day 179

A little child, commander of angels; Angels: Day 179 January 16, 2017

angels_ephrem_1St. Ephrem the Syrian meditates on what it meant for the Lord of all to be a human child. Even as a baby crawling on the floor, Christ was in command of all the multitudes of angels.

When it bore him, the sea was calm. How could the lap of Joseph bear him?

The womb of hell conceived him and burst open. How could the womb of Mary contain him?

He broke open the stone that was over his grave by his might. How could Mary’s arm hold him?

You came to a low estate, so that you might raise all to life. Glory be to you from all who are made alive by you!

Who can speak of the Son of the Hidden One, who came down and clothed himself with a body in the womb? He came forth and sucked milk as a child; the Lord of all crawled around with little children. They saw him as a little child in the street; in secret angels surrounded him in fear. He was cheerful with the little ones as a child; he was awe-inspiring with the angels as a Commander. He was too-awe-inspiring for John to loose the buckle of his sandal; he was gentle to sin- ners who kissed his feet.

The angels saw him as angels see; each human being saw him according to the measure of his own knowledge. Each one saw the One greater than all ac- cording to the measure of his discernment. Only he and the Father have the full measure of knowledge, so as to know him as he is. –St. Ephrem the Syrian,  Rhythm 3


How does imagining Jesus as a child playing in the street affect my relationship with the Son of God? When I see a child playing today, can I imagine that child as the Com- mander of legions of angels?


Lord Jesus Christ, you were in command of countless myriads of angels, yet you came to us as a helpless child. Teach me that same humility, so that with you I may rise to glory.

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