Only the truth can conquer; Angels: Day 207

Only the truth can conquer; Angels: Day 207 February 15, 2017

angels_ephrem_2Angels dont lie, says St. Ephrem the Syrian. The message they bring from God is true. And the message we read in the Gospel is true. If  it were not, it could not have been established  all over the world.

Why did Gabriel not deceive Daniel and say that he was God (Dan. 8:17)? Why did the Seraph not deceive Isaiah and say that he was the Son of God (Isa. 6:6)?

Because he was an angel, he did not lie.

The Apostle speaks truly and did not deceive us. He asserted and revealed that Christ was greater than all.

Hear what I say: If this were not the truth, it would have been refuted and come to an end. Only the truth can increase in the east, and spread to the west, and lay hold on the north, and clasp the south. Into the depth it went down and conquered. It went up and dwelt on high. –St. Ephrem the Syrian,  Rhythm 61


Do I make a real effort to be as truthful as the angels of Heaven?


Guardian Angel, guard me from falsehood at all times, and teach me to love truth as you do.

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