We’re surrounded by protection we can’t see; Angels; Day 211

We’re surrounded by protection we can’t see; Angels; Day 211 February 19, 2017

angels_ambrose_1During a tense time in Milan, St. Ambrose reminds his flock of a story from thOld Testament. The king of Syria wanted to attack Israel, and decided to silence the powerful prophet Elisha first. Elishas servant feared the army coming against them, but Elisha showed him the angelic hosts arrayed for their protection.

Now here’s an example from the Old Testament.

Elisha was being pursued by the king of Syria, who sent an army to capture him. He was surrounded on every side. His servant started to be afraid, because he was a servant—that is, his mind wasn’t free, and he didn’t have the freedom to do his own will.

The holy prophet prayed that his eyes might be opened, and said, “Look! See how many more are on our side than on theirs!” And he looked up and saw thousands of angels (2 Kings 6:12-17).

So, as you see, the servants of Christ are protected by invisible beings rather than visible ones. And when they surround you with their protection, it’s your prayers that have called them to protect you. For you’ve read that those men who came looking for Elisha, when they entered Samaria, found the very man they wanted to capture—yet they were not able to hurt him at all. Instead, they were saved by the very man they came for. –St. Ambrose, Sermon Against Auxentius on the Giving Up of the Basilicas,  11


Do I have the faith to trust in the ministry of the angels, even when I can’t see it at work?


Lord, give me eyes to see the powers you have placed at my service.

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