Angels guide the unborn child; Angels: Day 215

Angels guide the unborn child; Angels: Day 215 February 23, 2017

angels_tertullianEven Roman superstition, says Tertullian, admitted that the unborn child was a human being—otherwise why would all those mythical goddesses have been assigned to guide the embryo? Christians  know that the developing fetus is a living human, and Tertullian believes that the angels guide its development.

Now the entire process of sowing, forming, and completing the human embryo in the womb is no doubt regulated by some power, which in all this serves the will of God, whatever may be the method which it is appointed to employ.

Even the superstition of Rome, by carefully attending to these points, imag- ined the goddess “Alemona” to nourish the fetus in the womb; as well as “Nona” and “Decima,” called after the most critical months of gestation; and “Partula,” to manage and direct parturition; and “Lucina,” to bring the child to the birth and light of day.

We, on our part, believe that the angels do this work for God. The embryo therefore becomes a human being in the womb from the moment that its form is completed. The law of Moses, indeed, punishes with due penalties the man who shall cause abortion, inasmuch as there exists already the rudiment of a human being, which has imputed to it even now the condition of life and death, since it is already liable to the issues of both, although, by living still in the mother, it for the most part shares its own state with the mother. –Tertullian, Treatise on the Soul, 37


Is there something I could be doing to help the angels in their mission of protecting unborn children? Are there pregnant mothers who need help in my community?


Lord, send your angels to protect all your children, and grant their parents the strength to care for your precious creation.


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