In solitude, but not alone; Angels: Day 220

In solitude, but not alone; Angels: Day 220 February 28, 2017

angels_ambrose_2St. Ambrose recognizes that, when he seems to be completely alone, he is never alone. Mary was visited by an angel when she was alone, and when we read the Scriptures God walks with us in paradise.

Since you also take pleasure in receiving my letters, by means of which, although separated from each other, we discourse together as if present, I will for the future more frequently converse with you by letter when I am alone. For I am never less alone than when I seem to be so, nor ever less at leisure than in the intervals of labor. Then I can summon anyone I wish, and visit with whoever I love most or find most sympathetic; no one interrupts or intrudes upon us. That’s when I feel closer to you, and when I confer with you in the Scriptures, and when we converse together more at length.

Mary was alone when addressed by the angel, alone when the Holy Spirit came upon her, and the power of the Most High overshadowed her. She was alone when she effected the salvation of the world, and conceived the Redemp- tion of the universe. Peter was alone when the mystery of the sanctification of the Gentiles all over the world was made known to him. When Adam was alone, he didn’t fall, because his mind stayed with God. But when the woman was joined to him, he lost his power of sticking with the heavenly precepts, and therefore he hid himself when God walked in Paradise.

And even now, while I read the sacred Scriptures, God walks in Paradise. The book of Genesis, in which the virtues of the Patriarchs sprout, is Paradise; Deuteronomy, in which the precepts of the Law grow, is also Paradise, where the tree of life brings forth good fruit, and diffuses over all nations the precepts of eternal hope. –St. Ambrose, Letter 49


When I have time to myself, do I turn to my angel and read Scripture with this divinely appointed supernatural help?


Holy Angel, God’s messenger and my guardian, keep the divine Word in my mind, in my heart, and on my lips all the days of my life.

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