Help kids prepare for Sunday Mass with the Mass Box!

Help kids prepare for Sunday Mass with the Mass Box! April 10, 2017


UPDATE 4.16.17: As I write this update Easter Sunday is winding down. I must share this with you. Our youngest girls Annie and Maggie asked to attend every Mass and service during the Triduum. Holy Thursday, Good Friday AND the longer Easter Vigil Mass. Why is this something to write about? Well Laura and I directly attribute this to the Mass Box. The crafts and interactive questions discussed below made them interested in the week’s activities. In fact they both are gaining a better understanding of the weekly Gospels readings since we began utilizing the activities in the Mass Box. Take it from our personal testimony….the Mass Box made a difference for them and it will for your kids as well. You do not have to be a crafty person to do the weekly crafts…they are simple and adequate instructions are provided to make them easy to complete. Read on to see our initial thoughts on the Mass Box.


One of the coolest things about being a reviewer is not just the books, but the other neat products that come across my email. What I have to review today is no different. The Mass Box is a resource for parents to prepare their 4 to 8-year-old for the weekly Gospel reading at Sunday Mass. Our family was recently afforded the opportunity to check this monthly subscription box out, and there are a few words that can best describe what we found. Innovative, fun, attention holding, effective, and flat out cool!

What is The Mass Box? Each month subscribers receive a box that is filled with crafts about the weekly Gospel reading proclaimed during Mass. All of the supplies to make the crafts are included in the box. Complete instructions guide parents through how to assemble each of the crafts. The instructions are included in an included monthly magazine created by The Mass Box. Additionally, each week a YouTube video is posted showing how to complete the craft for the week.

My wife (Laura) has been using the Mass Box for the past few weeks. I have observed and heard the excitement of my younger children as they participated in the activities. One thing Laura pointed out are the included discussion questions which she felt were invaluable in leading the discussion as they did the craft. Anyone could lead the discussion because the questions to ask are the included as well as the answers.  They show this nicely taking place on the online videos. Laura also points out the entire system is so simple, even Pete Socks could use it to lead his kids.

Why is The Mass Box important? We spend a large amount of time in the Church trying to draw people back who have left. Why? A lot has to do with the fact that they are not properly educated about what the faith is all about. What if we didn’t have to do this. What of instead we dedicate our efforts as parents teaching our children about the faith at an early age. THIS is the mission of The Mass Box. To teach our children to learn about the Gospel (particularly those at the Sunday Mass) and understand the lessons they hold, while at the same time making it fun and interesting.

You can learn more about The Mass Box at their website. Before you head over though here is a special offer for my readers. Use code PETE10 to receive 10% off your first product order.

And while we are at why not have a giveaway! I use Rafflecopter to make it easy for you and me. One lucky winner will receive one months box from The Mass Box! Enter below. The giveaway starts NOW and ends 4/17 with a winner being chosen later that day.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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