Virtue makes angels; Angels: Day 260

Virtue makes angels; Angels: Day 260 April 9, 2017

angels_john_chrysostom_1Human nature is no barrier to living an angelic life, says St. John Chrysostom. Thevil angels were expelled  from Heaven, but virtuous humans  have been taken into Heaven.

But why do I stop at angel? A human being can become God, and a child of God—for we have read, “I say, ‘You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you’” (Ps. 82:6). And what’s more, the power to become both God and angel and child of God is put into our own hands! Yes, really—a human being can be the maker of an angel! This startles you, perhaps? But hear Christ: “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in Heaven” (Matt. 22:30), and “He who is able to receive this, let him receive it” (Matt. 19:12).

In short, it’s virtue that makes angels. But virtue is within our power! Therefore we are able to make angels—if not in nature, certainly in will.

After all, without virtue, it’s no advantage to be an angel. The devil is a proof of this: he was an angel once. But with virtue, it’s no loss to be human by nature—and John is proof of this, who was a man, and Elijah, who went up into Heaven, and all those who are about to depart for Heaven. These human beings had bodies, but that didn’t keep them from living in Heaven—but the evil spirits, though they had no bodies, could not remain in Heaven.

So you shouldn’t be grieved or angry at your nature as if it were a hindrance to you. It’s your will that’s a hindrance to you. –St. John Chrysostom, Homily 32 on Acts


Do I sometimes give up in the face of strong temptation and say, “It’s just human nature”? Does it help to remember that I have the power to make my own nature more angelic?


Guardian Angel, I beg aid from you for the strengthening of my soul, so that in perfect love and true faith I may care for everything the Father has given me.

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