Virginity is to marriage as angel is to human; Angels: Day 274

Virginity is to marriage as angel is to human; Angels: Day 274 April 23, 2017

angels_john_of_damascus_2God forbid we should say anything against marriage, says St. John of Damascus. After all, Christ himself  honored marriage as a guest at the wedding in Cana. But virginity is a higher state—an  imitation of the angels.

Virginity is the rule of life among the angels, the property of all incor- poreal nature. We say this without speaking ill of marriage—God forbid! For we know that the Lord blessed marriage by His presence ( John 2:1), and we know him who said, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled” (Heb. 13:4).

But we know that virginity is better than marriage, however good. For among the virtues, just as among the vices, there are higher and lower grades. We know that all mortals after the first parents of the race are the offspring of marriage. (The first parents were the work of virginity and not of marriage.) But celibacy is, as we said, an imitation of the angels. For that reason, virginity is as much more honorable than marriage, as the angel is higher than a human being.

But why do I say angel? Christ Himself is the glory of virginity, who was not only begotten of the Father without beginning or emission or connection, but also became man in our image, being made flesh for our sakes of the Virgin without connection, and manifesting in himself the true and perfect virginity.

Therefore, although he did not command us to virginity by law (for as He said, not everyone can receive this saying (Matt. 19:11)), yet in actual fact he taught us that and gave us strength for it. For it is surely clear to everyone that virginity now is flourishing among us.

–St. John of Damascus, Exposition of the Christian Faith, 4.24


In my prayer, am I praying to the guardian angels of the priests and religious who serve me?


Father, send your holy angels to protect all those who have consecrated their lives to your service.

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