Hear the music of the endless holiday in Heaven; Angels: Day 307

Hear the music of the endless holiday in Heaven; Angels: Day 307 May 26, 2017

angels_augustine_3We hire a band for a wedding or a birthday, St. Augustine says, and everyone who hears it knows that something special is going on. But if  we listen and don’t let the world distract us, we can hear the music of  the angels singing at that endless festival in Heaven.

Here, where we have festivals just for the fun of it, we put bands or sing- ers in front of our houses, or any kind of music that tempts us to indulgence. And what do passers-by say when they hear them? “What’s going on here?” And the answer is that it’s some festival. It’s a birthday being celebrated, or there’s a wed- ding going on. That’s what we say so that the songs don’t seem inappropriate, but the luxurious indulgence may be excused by the festive occasion.

In the house of God there’s a never-ending festival. It’s not just an occa- sion to be celebrated once, and then it’s over. The angelic choir makes an eternal holiday, because the presence of God’s face is a joy that never fails. This kind of holiday doesn’t start at dawn, and it doesn’t end at evening. And your heart can hear a certain sweet and melodious melody from that perpetual holiday—as long as the world doesn’t drown out the sounds. –St. Augustine, Exposition on Psalm 42, 8


Can I find some quiet place every day to listen to the music of Heaven?


“Blessed  are those who dwell in your house, ever singing your praise!”  (Ps. 84:4).

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