Angels are waiting for us; Angels: Day 329

Angels are waiting for us; Angels: Day 329 June 17, 2017

angels_augustine_1In the end, says St. Augustine, we’ll rejoin the angels, and all of us together will make one temple of God, one heavenly Jerusalem.

The house of God is also a city. For the house of God is the people of God. The house of God is the temple of God. What does the Apostle say? “For God’s temple is holy, and that temple you are” (1 Cor. 3:17).

All the faithful are the house of God—not only those who exist now, but also those who have existed before us, and those who will come after us, to the end of the world. The innumerable hosts of the faithful are gathered into one body, but counted by the Lord. As the apostle says, “The Lord knows those who are his” (2 Tim. 2:19). Those grains of wheat that are still groaning among the chaff will be made into one mass when the floor has been winnowed in the end. The whole number of faithful saints are destined to be changed from the human state so that they become equal to the angels of God. And then they will be joined with the angels, who are no longer pilgrims, but are waiting for us to come back from our pilgrimage.

All of these together will form one house of God, and one city. –St. Augustine, Exposition on Ps. 126, 3


Am I doing my best to live the unity of the Church now, so that I will be joined forever with the angels when I come back from my pilgrimage?


King of Peace, grant your Church peace in unity and love, and unite your servants on Earth with the hosts of angels who make up your Church in Heaven.

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