Our redemption benefits the angels as well; Angels: Day 334

Our redemption benefits the angels as well; Angels: Day 334 June 22, 2017

angels_augustine_3Because of our sin, says St. Augustine, there was a wall of hostility between us and the angels. So in redeeming us, Christ gave the angels a great benefit as well: he made us their friends again.

We will not know the other part of the Church as it really is—the part made up of the holy angels and the powers of God—until, at the end of the age, we join it to have eternal bliss along with it. We know the other part better because we’re in it: the part that is separated from the heavenly fellowship and wanders through the earth. This is the part that the blood of the sinless Mediator has re- deemed from sin. This is our battle cry: “If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all” (Rom. 8:31-32).

Christ didn’t die for the angels. But still, what was done for man by his death for man’s redemption and his deliverance from evil was done for the angels as well: because by it the hostility between men and the angels, which was caused by sin, is removed, and friendship is restored.

–St. Augustine, Enchiridion, chapter 16


Amazing as it seems, the angels want to be my friends. Does my way of life put barriers of sin between me and the friendship of the angels?


Father, send your Spirit to make my life worthy  of  the angel-guardians you have given me.


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