May 1, 2017

Charlie McKinney, president of Sophia Institute Press, stopped by to talk about the problems with youth catechesis the Church faces today. We also discuss the disengagement of parents in the current structure used by most parishes. How do we resolve this? Get them involved! Sophia Institute Press has developed a program to answer this issue and we talk about it’s benefits on this episode. The program is called A Family of Faith and it not only catechizes the child but the entire... Read more

April 30, 2017

Recalling a holy monk who was well known for his ascetic life, St. Ambrose says that he led an angel’s life on earth—and in doing so became a model for the rest of us. Now this endurance in holy Eusebius was thriving under the monastic discipline. Because he was used to a stricter rule, he drank in a power of bearing hardships. I’m positive that, in the higher kinds of Christian devotion, these two things are the most excellent: the clerical... Read more

April 29, 2017

St. Ambrose, bishop of the empire’s administrative capital of Milan, was never shy about advising even the Emperor in his religious duties. Here he reminds the Emperor that his power was given to him by God, not earned. He should use that power to make the angels rejoice. So since you know, Emperor (for now I’m not only going to talk about you but address myself to you), how severe the Lord’s censures can be, you must take care, in proportion... Read more

April 28, 2017

The Mass is an integral part of the Catholic faith. Our tradition regarding the celebration of the Mass and the sacrifice that is central to it is what sets us apart from all Christian denominations. Sometimes we forget or do not truly understand everything that occurs throughout the Mass.  Perhaps we do not fully realize the sheer awesomeness that occurs in front of our eyes on the altar in front of us. Timothy O’Malley addresses all of this in his... Read more

April 28, 2017

The sure way to earn a good return, says St. Cyril of Alexandria, is to invest in the poor. Instead of mere money, you earn the praise of angels and the invitation of the Son. What good is there in prodigal abundance beyond what necessity re- quires? For as Christ himself said somewhere (Luke 10:42), few things are needful, or rather one, to take care of the wants of the body. So to escape the danger of losing the return on... Read more

April 27, 2017

Christ came, says St. Augustine, so that we might live as angels. What  does that mean? It means, he says, that we should constantly bless the Lord, the way the angels do—even when we’re having difficulties. “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Ps. 33:1). So speaks Christ; a Christian should speak the same way. For a Christian is in the body of Christ. The reason Christ was made Man was so that... Read more

April 26, 2017

Human integrity, says St. Cyril of Alexandria, is not the same as the integrity of the angels, who are superior to us by nature. But we still need to do as much as we can within our human capacity to keep to the straight and narrow. Now I consider it my duty to mention why the door is “narrow” through which we go in to life. Whoever wants to enter must necessarily possess—first and foremost—an upright and uncorrupted faith. Second... Read more

April 25, 2017

Consecrated virginity, says St. Gregory of Nyssa, is something like Heaven on Earth. Christ promised that we would live as the angels live in Heaven; but whoever gives up marriage for Christ’s sake is already, in a way, living the life of the angels. In fact, the life of virginity seems to be an actual representation of the blessedness in the world to come. In itself it shows many signs of the anticipated blessings reserved for us there. To help you... Read more

April 25, 2017

Brigid and the Butter: A Legend about St. Brigid of Ireland is retold by Pamela Love and is another story from Pauline Books and Media’s line of books about saints and legends.  These primary aged children’s books are some of my little ones’ favorite picture books.  This particular story is a wonderful companion to Patrick and the Fire or can, of course, stand alone. The young Brigid hears Bishop Patrick preach and is inspired by his gospel story about Jesus and... Read more

April 24, 2017

Those who have taken vows of chastity, says St. Ambrose, are living the life of the angels now—the  life we will all live after the Resurrection. There is a special brightness reserved for them in Heaven. But you who have taken the vow already, chasten your bodies more strict- ly, and do not allow yourselves to loosen the reins of desire even after those things that are permitted. You should not only turn away from an unlawful connection, but despise even... Read more

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