Getting Healthy

Getting Healthy March 8, 2017

By Bo Prosser

In a meeting recently, we were discussing healthy finances for pastoral leader. The guest speaker then said, “Healthy finances are just one part of the equation. We must also work on getting healthier in our physical selves and our spiritual selves!”

At first I was offended by the speaker’s comments. We were a smart group of organizational leaders in the room ready to help the pastoral leaders in our respective faith groups. We were there furiously taking notes to be good ministers to our ministers. But as I looked around the room, almost ALL of us were overweight and not by just a few pounds! And then, I was convicted by the speaker.

Seventy five per cent of our nation is overweight. That translates to 75% of your church is overweight. And, 75% of the ministers in our churches are overweight. Many of them are dangerously close to obese!

We’ve got to do better. We’ve got to take care of our bodies better.

Here’s what happens when we are overweight:

  • We lose our desire to play.
  • We lose positive self-esteem.
  • We lose our confidence as leaders.
  • We lose the energy we need to care for our congregations.

As we get healthier, we become more energized and more playful. We become more positive and clearer about God’s presence in our lives. We become more approachable to our congregations and our families. We gain self-confidence, increased self-esteem and a more positive outlook on life. In short, a healthy body helps us develop a healthier mind and spirit.

Our churches deserve us to be in our best condition for leading, teaching and proclaiming. Our families need us to be in our best condition for loving them, guiding them and caring for them. The Kingdom needs us to be in our best condition for being the presence of Christ in the world living out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

So, what is the plan? Eat less; exercise more, pray without ceasing! It’s not really that simple; yet, it really is that simple.

Before you over-eat your next meal, stop and think about what you’re doing. Challenge yourself to make a healthy choice from the menu. Choose wisely letting your head guide your appetite. You’ll feel better about yourself!

Then, get on board with a health coach, discover a diet plan that works for your lifestyle, get busy taking care of yourself.

Your church will thank you. Your family will rejoice with you. And, your spirit will soar!

Bo Prosser serves as the CBF Coordinator of Organizational Relationships. 

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