3 Prayers For A Peaceful Home

3 Prayers For A Peaceful Home November 25, 2015

Here are three short prayers for having a peaceful home that you might want to use.

Peace in the Home

Sometimes the only refuge in this world is my home dear God so I pray that You would bless my home with the peace of God that only You can give. Jesus promised the disciples peace (John 14:27) and so I ask you to bless our home with the peace of God that we who have repented and trusted in Christ can have with You (Rom 5:1). Oh righteous Father, You alone have given me and our home peace but it came at the infinitely costly price of Jesus Who took the wrath of God we deserved but was placed on Your Son, Jesus Christ so it wouldn’t be placed upon us, even though we deserved it. Thank you for the peace that we can have through the suffering and death of Jesus at Calvary. I am so thankful for the privilege of being able to talk to You through our Mediator Who paid with His life for this to be possible and so in the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray for peace in our home for the Son of God’s honor in which I pray, Jesus Christ, amen.


Tribulations in the World

God my Father, Jesus told us that we would have trials, troubles, and tribulation in the world but He has overcome the world and brought the possibility of having peace through Him. I ask You to give us all peace of mind to know that You are never going to forsake us or leave us (Heb 13:5), knowing Your love never fails and You never give up on us. Even though I have forsaken You at times, You never forsake me. I have been unfaithful at times but You are always faithful. Thank You for Your Great Son Jesus Christ Who made it possible for us to have peace with You O God. By His paying the ultimate price, we don’t have to, even though we deserve it. You are so patient, even when I am not. You are so longsuffering even when I’m not. How can I ever truly thank You with mere words but let me offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving (Lev 7:11, 13; 22:29) which You accept and in Jesus’ glorious name I pray, amen.

Faithful till the End

God, I know You are not like a man who changes his mind like the wind changes direction. You are faithful to Your own word since there is no sin, no fault, and no error in You and in all Your ways. You cannot deny Yourself by the precious promises You have made. I have not been true to my word at times but You always are. Heaven and earth will pass away before Your promises ever will (Matt 25:34) and so help me to remember to see things in our home with the eyes of faith and not the eyes of flesh. Help me to focus on Your Son, Jesus Christ, when the storms of life hit our home. We have built our home on the Rock because all other ground is sinking. You are our foundation and upon You we rest in peace and even though my natural tendency is still to worry about things, I need to learn to trust You more and more every day and I know I can do that by looking back on my life to remember all the times you’ve been so very faithful so please God, bless our home and give us the peace that surpasses all of our human understanding (Phil 4:7) and in Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.


I find it hard to pray at times. I need the Spirit’s help but God has sent us His Helper to know how to pray when words fail us (Rom 8:26-27) and for me, that’s fairly often. Cry out to God to bless Your home and bring peace to it but no one can really have the peace of God until they are first at peace with God and that means they must repent of their sins and turn away from them and forsake them and then put their trust in Christ. None who do so will ever be ashamed. Those who don’t will live in that state forever and ever. Paul wrote that “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame” (Rom 10:11).

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane Kansas. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. You can follow Jack on Google Plus or check out his book Teaching Children the Gospel available on Amazon

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