3 Prayers For A Troubled Marriage

3 Prayers For A Troubled Marriage November 25, 2015

Here are three prayers you can use for someone’s troubled marriage, even if it’s yours.

Prayer of Restoration

God my Father, You are the One Who can restore all things, including my marriage and so I pray that You would renew our marriage in a way that only You can by Your Spirit. Send Your Spirit to show me where I have been wrong and to admit and confess my faults to my spouse and to know how I have hurt them. Please forgive me for that and I will ask for the forgiveness from my beloved too. I know I need to humble myself before my spouse to tell them that I have made some serious mistakes and have been unthankful for them and all that they do for me and the family. Oh Righteous Father, renew in me the desire to be a better spouse for my beloved and to show more of the attributes that You have and that includes patience, kindness, politeness, and above all, love and for that I pray in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, amen.


Prayer of Revival

Oh God, revive my heart to the romantic feelings that I had when I first dated and then married my spouse. Help me to rekindle that flame of love and to fan it to a burning passion and desire for my one, true beloved and to always remain faithful, even in my mind. I am so aware that I can commit adultery in my heart. Please keep me from temptations that surround me in this world, help me to guard my eyes to not look at others of the opposite sex. Help me to be completely satisfied in my precious one and to be fully enraptured with them as the one who I vowed to remain faithful to and to love, cherish, and honor them and remain faithful in this life. I ask for You to revive our love for one another, knowing that you direct even a pagan king’s heart to go in whichever direction You will and so I pray for that in the Great Son of God’s name, Jesus Christ, amen.

Prayer of Service

Oh God, how often have I failed You and failed my spouse by not giving what is due them. I have not been as thankful as I should be so give me a heart that desires to love them, serve them, and esteem them better than myself and to learn to be content in whatever state I am in (Phil 4:11). Help me to remember the marriage relationship is similar to that of the Son of God, the Groom has with the Bride of Christ, the church, Who gave His life for her so that we might be joined together with Him on the great day of His visitation and have everlasting joy at the marriage feast of the Lamb of God and His bride. Help me to love my spouse with this same type of love and I know I need the Helper because it is not in me to love my spouse as I should. Let me see how precious the church was to Your Son; so much so that He willingly gave His life for her and put His own interests behind those of His Bride, the church, so that I can love my spouse in the same way. Help me to serve my spouse in ways that I have failed to do so and bring to my mind O Father, ways that I can reflect that love that You showed us while we were still Your enemy and wicked sinners (Rom 5:8, 10). In Jesus mighty name I pray, amen.


Marriage is a miracle. It is amazing that two people can be so different from one another, just as men and women are, and we can come together and what was once two, now become one flesh in mind, spirit, unity and purpose and that is to glory You and Your Son’s great name.

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane Kansas. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. You can follow Jack on Google Plus or check out his book Teaching Children the Gospel available on Amazon

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