The Real Issue Behind the SCOTUS Decision and Conservative Christianity

The Real Issue Behind the SCOTUS Decision and Conservative Christianity June 29, 2015
The reason that Many American Christians and Christian leaders, pastors and teachers are angry at the SCOTUS decision has NOTHING to do with homosexuality and EVERYTHING with their view of the Bible coming under criticism, withering criticism. Every single post or thread I have encountered or read, every video I have watched comes down to “YOU MUST BELIEVE GOD’S INSPIRED WORD.”
Their theory of inspiration has taken a major hit not only from the historical-critical method, it has also been stung by those who recognize that a) Jesus alone is the Word of God and b) that LOVE conquers all, love does win. This new wave of ‘liberalism’ (as they perceive it) is a double whammy because those who come down on the side of Jesus and Love love Jesus. That angers them like you would not believe. How can someone possibly love Jesus and deny that ‘THE BIBLE IS GOD’S WORD’?
They perceive themselves as holding to the TRUTH but we all know they have bought a lie, a deception, an anti-intellectualism which has become their prison. They love their prison because they think God is the Warden. They will be angry, they will be vitriolic, they will accuse you of ‘leaving the faith’, of being a heretic, of ‘sliding down a slippery slope.’ They can smell death in the air, the death of their religion and they don’t like it one bit. It is being exposed on all sides as unworthy of respect or assent. The Emperor has no clothes and it is all over the Internet.
Over the course of the next several months, perhaps a year or two, you will see a circling of the wagons mentality. They will lose influence, power and money. After a while some of their own will defect. There will be deflating of morale in their ranks and some will come out fighting, ranting, foaming at the mouth. Be prepared for all this. They will vilify you. They will perceive you as the enemy, in fact, they already do.
Who would have imagined that enemies we would be called to love would be those of our own faith tradition?

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