Robin Parry Teaching Live on Universal Salvation

Robin Parry Teaching Live on Universal Salvation March 29, 2017
From Greg Vadala, Director of The School of Peace Theology:
“A number of though-provoking classes have already begun at The School of Peace Theology. The next course to begin (Apr 1, 2017) is Universal Salvation and Christian Theology, with Dr. Robin Parry. (Some may remember Robin from his part in the movie Hellbound? by filmmaker Kevin Miller—who is also teaching a course here soon!)
Many of the courses have required reading associated with them, and for this course the required text is The Evangelical Universalist by “Gregory MacDonald” (=Robin). This topic was such a hot potato when the book was penned by Robin that he published it under a pseudonym. (After all, who wants to be labelled by his/her church circle as a heretic?) But in 2009, he let the cat out of the bag and has been front and center in this discussion ever since.
Now, students worldwide not only get a chance to hear Robin address this topic live in The School of Peace Theology, but they also get as much time to interact with Robin in our online live-course format. Hear Robin address such issues as the meaning of biblical passages on the topic, the place of mission in the Christian life, the importance of faith, and the compatibility of this view with historic Christian theology. Robin Parry’s live course starts in The School of Peace Theology on Saturday, April 8th at 1 pm EST.
Simply register today and begin your journey.”

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